2025 Media Day

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Re: 2025 Media Day

Post by DavidJ » Sun Feb 03, 2019 5:35 pm

1. Are you happy with what you accomplished over the winter? Is your MLB team better today then in October?
I think we are better, for a couple of reasons.
1) Health - If we can remain healthier this season (especially pitching) then we should be solid.
2) Age - While we certainly didn't get a whole lot younger, we did jettison some age in the retired Aroldis Chapman and several other arms. Our bats are aging too, but more than productive, in fact they carried us through the last half of the season and most of the playoffs before we were exposed by MIL in the World Series.
3) Finances - As the Yankees I would love to toss money into development and scouting (and draft and IAFA's), but right now we are tied to some large veteran contracts. In fact that's what the Yankees allow, and then fill in the holes with up-and-comers.

2. What would your worst critic say about your off-season. What didn't you do right, what didn't you get done?
This will sound bad, but I don't think we did a lot wrong this off-season. Chapman fell off the cliff and then retired, I voided the first of two Colome team options (ouch), Carrasco turned down a QO (I would not have) and he walked with a long-term injury, and the retained year of Candelario comes off the books.
We bolstered the rotation with some new blood that, I hope, will stay healthy.

Some might argue that what I did last off-season, when I took over the team, might bite me eventually as I extended virtually everybody, including the monster deal for Austin Meadows, which kicks in this season at $45M.

3. Who is the prospect you have that everyone wants, but can't have?
Not sure I can name one as the Yankees never have a good draft position, unless we trade for one. We draft and develop pieces and pay for greatness.

4. How do you feel about draft pick trading?
Honestly, not a fan.
I would rather we trade relatively known talent than the unknown of a draft pick.

5. Will the person who posted just above you win a World Series in the next 5 years?
I would most definitely put money on Fin.
Yankees/Dodgers would be monumental!

6. Do you actively participate Perfect Team? Do you like it? Why?
Played the Beta. For me, there is not much to it. I much prefer an online league.
And the forum discussions about the manipulation of PT by some "players" is eye-opening, and not for the faint of heart.

7. How many World Series' have you won in online leagues before?
Great question, although without a reference of how many leagues and years played it's a little vague. But, I have won three times.
Houston Astros in an MLB league, starting as worst team int he league, small market, no budget and the chips just happened to fall the right way over about six years of building.
And two fictional league championships.

8. Predict the World series participants and the eventual winner.
I like are chances to be there again for the final series, with hopefully a different outcome.
But Minnesota, Montreal and KC all have a great chance too.
From the NL I see Milwaukee again, though Atlanta should be tough. And if either slip, LA will be right there.
I see us beating Atlanta in the full seven games.
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Re: 2025 Media Day

Post by Cards GM » Sun Feb 03, 2019 7:22 pm

1. Are you happy with what you accomplished over the winter? Is your MLB team better today then in October?

Overall, yes. Our pitching has been our weakness, and we added a few pieces to that this offseason. We expect some of our young pitchers to step up this year to help take this team to the next level.

2. What would your worst critic say about your offseason. What didn't you do right, what didn't you get done?

Pitching was your weakness and you didn't trade for a LA pitcher?! That's right, we didn't. That being said, we can still build through the draft and keep prospects that will help continue building off of last season.

3. Who is the prospect you have that everyone wants, but can't have?

I think pretty highly of SP Dan Gourley. It would take a very good player for me to trade him at this point. Tremendous potential, but he needs to start putting it all together.

4. How do you feel about draft pick trading?

Hate it. You can't trade picks in MLB so why can you in this game? Must be a European thing.

5. Will the person who posted just above you win a World Series in the next 5 years?

With that budget, I'd hope David could pull one out.

6. Do you actively participate Perfect Team? Do you like it? Why?

No, not at all. When I first heard about it, I thought it sounded like something EA tried to do in Madden. Then I found out EA was involved now with OOTP. Any time you have to pay money to have a better team instead of basing it on skill is just something I'm not interested in at all.

7. How many World Series' have you won in online leagues before?

I've won one World Series' but I've only really played in one other league. Two leagues are enough for me!

8. Predict the World series participants and the eventual winner.

Milwaukee has quite the squad, even though they lost out on Seager. I'll go with them in the NL, and the Yankees in the AL. Brewers put it together and take home their first title in franchise history.

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Re: 2025 Media Day

Post by JohnBraves » Mon Feb 04, 2019 7:14 am

1. Are you happy with what you accomplished over the winter? Is your MLB team better today then in October?

I'm happy enough. I was able to add Seager, which makes us deeper. I added a pitcher i really like in Schrieber.

2. What would your worst critic say about your offseason. What didn't you do right, what didn't you get done?

You kept the majority of a team that had an awful 2nd half last year. The core of this team blew a big divisional lead, and they are mostly still Braves. Idiot.

3. Who is the prospect you have that everyone wants, but can't have?

SP Keckler. He is developing very nicely. Truth is he can be had in the right deal, but the more he sticks around, and becomes something at the MLB level, the less likely i will be to deal him.

4. How do you feel about draft pick trading?

I don't like it. I've made my feeling clear in the chat. I prefer no draft pick trading, but i can adapt and don't care too much at this point whether we have it or not.

5. Will the person who posted just above you win a World Series in the next 5 years?

Sean is a very good gm and knows what he's doing, but probably not. I say that knowing he's capable, but it's really really hard to win a title. You need alot of luck in addition to skill. So going with the odds here.

6. Do you actively participate Perfect Team? Do you like it? Why?

I have a team. I have a 99 Kershaw. He sucks. He's terrible. Doesn't make alot of sense. I don't monitor it. I don't log in often. I think this mode is the beginning of the end of what OOTP is today. I don't understand the people who love it, i don't understand the people who spend hundreds of dollars on it. I understand OOTP will want to make the most money with the least amount of effort though, so that equals more perfect team.

7. How many World Series' have you won in online leagues before?

I won a title with the Red Sox in the BML a bunch of years ago, I won a title with Baltimore in the PBL, and i won a title here with Atlanta! I guess i tend to get stuck at 1 per team!

8. Predict the World series participants and the eventual winner.

Might be Montreal's time, but the Yankees are strong. Also could be the Twins last chance with alot of their players coming up for free agency. Texas has a great GM and a good base. AL will be tough, but i am saying Yankees. In the NL, i have no opinion.

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Re: 2025 Media Day

Post by JoryPhillies » Mon Feb 04, 2019 8:34 am

1. Are you happy with what you accomplished over the winter? Is your MLB team better today then in October?

Eh not really. We lost Barreto but I think Schrock will be a great replacement.

2. What would your worst critic say about your offseason. What didn't you do right, what didn't you get done?

"You kinda didn't do shit." I'm not worse but I don't think I'm better despite the Braves and Mets becoming ALOT better.

3. Who is the prospect you have that everyone wants, but can't have?

Patrizio Caracciolo. Godlike.

4. How do you feel about draft pick trading?

I don't really care about it to be honest. It's neat I guess.

5. Will the person who posted just above you win a World Series in the next 5 years?

Absolutely they will. Sadly.

6. Do you actively participate Perfect Team? Do you like it? Why?

I enjoy it and check it once a day. The updates for it are a bit much but I don't think it's hurting anything.

7. How many World Series' have you won in online leagues before?

1 I guess. I joined the GBL in august and won the world series that year. I didn't do a damn thing but damnit I won.

8. Predict the World series participants and the eventual winner.

Montreal and Braves with the Braves taking it in 6.

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Re: 2025 Media Day

Post by jake-boston » Mon Feb 04, 2019 3:28 pm

JohnBraves wrote:
Fri Feb 01, 2019 6:32 am
On the morning of Spring Training, take some time to answer some questions about your team.

1. Are you happy with what you accomplished over the winter? Is your MLB team better today then in October?
Little disapointed, but by sheer experience as well as some nifty moves, yeah, it probably is

2. What would your worst critic say about your offseason. What didn't you do right, what didn't you get done?

Wow dude, you went in with no pitching, came out with nothing but a mediocore SP that wont do shit for you
3. Who is the prospect you have that everyone wants, but can't have?
Id guess Juan Rosas... but hes so far off. I dont think theres a defacto #1, Andy Beech is also very intriguing. Not a spec anymore, but I get a ton of offers on Melancia... keep em coming but mans aint moving

4. How do you feel about draft pick trading?
amblivent. A lot of times you end up fucking over the future and bailing, but at the same time it helps teams with no farm make a comp push/stay in the game because imo a lot of people WAYYYY overvalue them

5. Will the person who posted just above you win a World Series in the next 5 years?

Its the dodgers unless someone sneaks in. Probably, at least make some runs at it. If they can pick up a bat or two that team can pitch to all hell and back

6. Do you actively participate Perfect Team? Do you like it? Why?
Nope. Its really boring. You do nothing but collect cards

7. How many World Series' have you won in online leagues before?
been in three, won 2

8. Predict the World series participants and the eventual winner.
Yankees over Pirates in 6

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