Award | Date | Team |
All-Star | 2011 | DEN-R (RKY) |
Batter of the Month | May 2013 | Grand Junction (BSBLA) |
Rookie of the Month | Sep 2014 | San Francisco (BSBL) |
Player of the Week | Apr 22, 2013 | Grand Junction (BSBLA) |
Player | Score |
Francisco Pereira R | 985 |
Ronald Thomas R | 981 |
Chester Hodges R | 974 |
Cornell Sizemore R | 973 |
Leo Kozlowski R | 971 |
Ed Sullivan R | 968 |
Castor Paradiso R | 967 |
Mark Alejándrez R | 967 |
Jeffrey Sargent R | 964 |
Luis Galindo R | 963 |
Player | Score |
Ronald Thomas R | 981 |
Manuel Rúbio | 973 |
Ming Loong | 972 |
Jeffery Brown R | 969 |
Bryant Oliver R | 968 |
Mario Roldán R | 967 |
Manny Sánchez R | 965 |
Pete González | 964 |
Jason Codd R | 960 |
José Alarcon | 960 |
Year | GS | Rank |
2014 | 140 | 5 |
Year | HBP | Rank |
2014 | 19 | 1 |