League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
CU | FS | OSU | OSU | PSU | RU | SU | UCLA | UAZ | UCB | UOI | UM | UNC | USC | UTM | VDB | WSU | WSU
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2021 28-48
2022 34-42
2023 30-46
2024 29-47
2025 31-45
2026 34-42
2027 36-40
2028 33-43
2029 28-48
2030 43-33
2031 52-24 Veatch Beard Padilla Fish Stovall McDaniel Gray Gulsby
2032 51-25 Veatch Beard Padilla Fish Bartholomew McDaniel Gray Gulsby
2033 53-23 Yasuda Beard Padilla Fish Wiederhold Cooley Thompson Myers
2034 42-34 Grayson Beard Padilla Chambino Flynt Morgan Thompson Knez
2035 71-61 Warner Beard Padilla Viano Hughes Elkins Minnix Allen
2036 81-51 Ehm Bill Barker Plugge Young Kara Wenzel McNair
2037 78-54 Lind Bill Spencer Plugge Simmons Kara Aguilar McGrath
2038 63-69 Lind Bill Spencer Plugge Simmons Kara McGrath Alphonso
2039 60-72 Andrysiak Stallings Ramirez Clark Romero Stallings Provance McGrath
2040 48-79 Cavagnaro Maserang Ramirez Mapes Joshua Egan Jones Morataya
2041 46-79 Cavagnaro Ciobanu Ramirez Garcia Romero McWilliams Hoffert Jones
2042 38-89 Cavagnaro Ciobanu Stewart Cornett Romero McWilliams Spino Van Raalte
2043 44-83 Jackson Criollo Stewart Arias Gomez Ruppel Spino Squires
2044 72-52 Faulconer Goodall Towry Beaumond Casas Trice Aispuro Duffy
2045 54-73 Codbucket Johnson Bauer Phong Hirata Yamasaki Ikeda Escamilla
2046 69-58 Quilantan Coucieiro Mai Lew Saxton Coatney Kennett Lemus
2047 50-77 Wipf Worth Alvarez Quinones Jarvis Soto Gonzales Mercer
2048 62-41 Wipf van Baal Alvarez Quinones Jarvis Soto Gonzales Mercer
28 years 32 players 57 players 63 players 45 players 62 players 75 players 67 players 70 players
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