POTD Stat of the Day

Worst 100 RBI seasons by OBP (*)
(Scaled to 100 for this league)
Player Team Year Age RBI AVG OBP OPS WAR
Louis Morrow WAS 2031 28 116 .221 .252 .687 .92
Frank Healey RRR 2024 32 102 .241 .271 .727 1.98
Adrian Rumsey AI 2024 35 107 .224 .272 .636 .65
Randy Gillin WAS 2041 32 106 .229 .273 .737 .70
Terry Dalton KEG 2057 30 111 .239 .276 .727 1.23
Félix Garza LAR 2045 29 101 .258 .280 .756 1.13
Ed Greer BOS 2071 32 101 .214 .281 .793 4.07
Randy Gillin SJ 2033 24 104 .242 .284 .781 1.50
Mike Martin SJ 2049 32 102 .249 .285 .745 .88
Mike Brown MM 2055 28 102 .240 .285 .780 3.16
Javier Cruz LAR 2069 32 103 .225 .286 .823 1.72
John Anderson RRR 2054 33 100 .244 .287 .779 .68
Edward Hansen GBI 2051 25 103 .247 .288 .735 2.30
Bill Ziemer AI 2027 27 139 .252 .288 .843 3.93
Jorge Morán MXC 2035 28 102 .241 .288 .756 .52
Ed Greer IOW,VER 2062 23 102 .230 .289 .815 2.20
Harvey Turner LAR 2071 31 101 .233 .289 .784 1.87
Salvador Rocha GBI 2042 24 112 .246 .290 .770 2.29
Ricardo Martínez SJ 2049 34 101 .271 .291 .853 2.47
Terry Dalton CC 2063 36 109 .242 .291 .800 1.20
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