League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
ALB | BNG | BR | BUE | COM | HAV | KIN | LC | LA | LUN | MES | MYR | NAS | NAS | PS | PAR
PUL | SH | SD | SD | SP | SPR | SC | STJ | SYD | TOK | TL | TYL | UTS | WH | WIN | YAP
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2076 7-37 Sullivan Robinson Bradley
2077 2-42 Sullivan Rodríguez Jackelope Ohayashi Ohayashi Gage Jr.
2078 22-19 Sullivan Waddell Nelson Nebula Jackelope Dodson Bam Gage Jr.
2079 23-21 Sullivan Thomas Rodríguez Rasberry Alexander Gage Jr. Ohayashi McDowell
2080 25-19 Sullivan Trujillo Rodríguez Rasberry Alexander Farela Ohayashi Mills
2081 27-17 Flowers Trujillo Hutchinson Rasberry Jones Farela Ohayashi Campbell
2082 21-23 Flowers Trujillo Hutchinson Rasberry Jones Trujillo Tillman Campbell
2083 14-29 Flowers Santos Hutchinson Rasberry Jones Santos Santos Santos
2084 10-34 Flowers Santos Hutchinson Rasberry Jones Santos Santos Santos
2085 14-30 Flowers Seals Seals Seals Seals Davidson Santos Davidson
2086 18-25 Flowers Seals Gibbs Murdoch Murdoch Davidson Santos Davidson
2087 10-34 Mullins Seals Gibbs Murdoch Murdoch Davidson Santos Davidson
2088 7-37 Mullins Seals Gibbs Murdoch Murdoch Davidson Santos Davidson
2089 6-41 Mullins Seals Gibbs Murdoch Murdoch Davidson Santos Davidson
2090 9-38 Mullins Seals Gibbs Murdoch Murdoch Firdausi Santos Davidson
2091 12-35 Mullins Seals Holmes Holmes Holmes Zavala Santos Zavala
2092 7-40 Moore Firdausi Holmes Holmes Holmes Firdausi Zavala Zavala
2093 8-39 Moore Firdausi Holmes Holmes Holmes Firdausi Kim Zavala
2094 10-37 Belcher Firdausi Boniface Holmes Holmes Firdausi Kim Zavala
2095 26-21 Alexander Mitchell Botvinnik Mason Johnson Kim McFluffernutter Higginbottom
2096 21-26 Russell Mitchell Botvinnik Mason Tillman Manley Rodriguez McFluffernutter
2097 14-33 Russell Mitchell White Mason White Adams Rodriguez McFluffernutter
2098 18-29 O'Swing Wyatt White Mason White Mellott Stanford Mellott
2099 24-23 O'Swing Wyatt White Mason Stanford Mellott Adams Stanford
2100 16-31 O'Swing Wyatt White Mason Stanford Whitehead Fuller Stanford
2101 33-14 Maes Dunham Smith Benoist Douglas Dudley Whitehead Cruz
2102 27-20 Hamilton Davis Smith Sánchez King Encarnación Dye Watamanoff
2103 25-22 Hamilton Smith King Clark Young Wilson Sluggins Hirsharish
2104 22-25 Hamilton Smith Sluggins Mack Pollock Dean Martínez Davis
2105 21-26 Schultz Connal Gibbs Mack Hicks Wilson Rainier Martínez
2106 0-0 Schultz Connal Gibbs Mack Hicks Wilson Rainier Martínez
31 years 17 players 25 players 22 players 24 players 27 players 39 players 28 players 30 players
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