League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
MOD | AAG | BIR | BOU | BG | CAM | CLE | CG | COU | CUM | DM | DUG | HTB | HAR | KEL | LR
MEM | MIS | PAW | POC | ROC | RH | SAU | SH | TUL | VNA | WAS | WIL | WIN | WOL | YUM | ZZ
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2015 30-38
2016 43-22
2017 36-26
2018 43-19
2019 35-27
2020 42-20 Martínez Foster Salazar Gonzáles Stokes Crews Cornett Falcato
2021 41-24 Martínez Foster Salazar Forrest Cornett Méndez Juárez Crews
2022 34-28 Salas Molina García Foster Gonzáles Crews Méndez Cruz
2023 23-36 Medina Villanueva Gonzáles Stevens Gonzáles Wilson Stevens Nicklin
2024 36-26 Medina Molina Molina bin Jabir Stevens González Stevens Nicklin
2025 35-30 Ono Cox Molina Yablochkin Stevens Yablochkin Cox Hanson
2026 45-20 Vahtangashvili Cox Winstone Yablochkin Winstone García García Carter
2027 51-17 Vahtangashvili Bowman Winstone Bowman Winstone Johnson Johnson Carter
2028 34-34 Vahtangashvili Pérez Winstone Miranda Miranda Thurber Hernández Thurber
2029 51-17 Bradley Barnes Carpenter Carpenter Miranda Reyes Hernández Thurber
2030 46-22 Bradley Smith Carpenter Cantú Horn Cantú Hernández Thurber
2031 51-17 Bradley Fernández Larsen Larsen Horn Cantú Hernández Kennedy
2032 47-21 Bradley Dean Larsen Larsen Horn Collins Taylor Chromi
2033 31-37 Bradley Dean Larsen Larsen Horn Delgado Delgado Chromi
2034 34-34 Bradley Dean Holland Montés Toque Park Morrison Morrison
2035 45-23 Bradley Morrison Holland Montés Montés Park Morrison Morrison
2036 36-32 Harris Morrison Holland Montés Montés Anderson Clark Anderson
2037 48-20 Harris Morrison Hernández Hernández Montés Anderson Womack Anderson
2038 30-38 Robinson Taylor Thomas Taylor Hicks Taylor Womack Anderson
2039 34-34 Sánchez Taylor Thomas Taylor Hicks Peters Peters Anderson
2040 49-20 Porter Taylor Magana Taylor Hicks Magana Peters Anderson
2041 43-25 Porter Hernández Vaughn Floyd Vaughn Norris Yates Hernández
2042 36-32 Porter Hernández Vaughn Lynch Vaughn Hernández Yates Hernández
2043 43-25 Porter Williams Espinoza O'Loghlin Vaughn Gregory Yates Gregory
2044 51-17 Porter Williams Espinoza O'Loghlin Miller Gregory Gregory Gregory
2045 40-28 Porter Williams Espinoza O'Loghlin Miller Patterson Patterson Gregory
2046 34-34 Porter Williams Panho Wright Panho Patterson Patterson Gregory
2047 35-33 Porter Williams Panho Wright Panho Patterson Patterson Gregory
2048 39-29 Pérez Pérez López Wright Panho Moore Patterson López
2049 42-26 Pérez Pérez Panho Wright Panho Patterson Patterson Patterson
2050 47-21 Pérez Pérez Panho Wright Panho Patterson Sampson Patterson
2051 35-33 Pérez Pérez Trevino Wright Trevino Trevino Sampson Patterson
2052 46-22 Pérez Walker Reed Macías Sánchez Reed Reed Reed
2053 31-37 Pérez Walker Reed Macías Sánchez Valentine Valentine Valentine
2054 35-33 Pérez Walker Reed Dickerson Dickerson Valentine Valentine Valentine
2055 43-25 Pérez Walker Mathis Dickerson Dodd Valentine Clark Pruitt
2056 41-27 Pérez Walker Mathis Dickerson Dodd Hughes Clark Pruitt
2057 48-13 Fernández Walker Murray Dickerson Murray Hughes Clark Pruitt
2058 39-26 Fernández Walker Murray McNeal Murray Hughes Clark Hernández
2059 50-12 Fernández Walker Murray McNeal Murray Hughes Clark Hernández
2060 34-31 Fernández Walker Murray McNeal Murray Hughes López Hernández
2061 43-23 Fernández Walker Jan McNeal Murray Hughes López Jan
2062 44-21 Fernández Walker Jan McNeal Murray Hughes López Thomas
2063 53-12 Nayarro Walker Jan McNeal Murray Martínez Martínez Rivas
2064 41-24 Nayarro Walker Hart Hart Sánchez Morse Glenn Sewell
2065 40-25 Nayarro Walker Hart Hart Sánchez Morse Peoples Sewell
2066 46-19 Lester Cedeño Hart Hart Sánchez Morse Peoples Sewell
2067 18-47 Lester Cedeño Marquis Hart Sánchez Morse Peoples Sewell
2068 18-44 Lester Rutledge Bartholomew Marquis Bartholomew Morse Peoples Sewell
2069 23-39 Penning Rutledge Bartholomew Marquis Bartholomew Morse Clark Dyer
2070 30-35 Penning Rutledge Ramírez Marquis Bartholomew Morse Sanders Dyer
2071 36-29 Penning Brown Ramírez Marquis Bartholomew Mdogo Miner Miner
2072 31-34 Penning Brown Ramírez Smith Smith Mdogo Miner Miner
2073 25-40 Fuller Brown Ramírez White Heath Mdogo Miner White
2074 41-21 Fuller Brown White White White Nash de Beun Nash
2075 48-17 Bonnaud Brown White White Medina Leclercq Leclercq Nash
2076 43-22 Bonnaud Pavlinsky Lee White Little Powers Galván Nash
2077 41-21 Feodosiev Pavlinsky Hood White Little Powers Galván Nash
2078 33-29 Davis Jones Hood Dorsey Sloan Ingram Galván Nash
2079 22-39 Davis Jones Hood Dorsey Sloan Ingram Galván Nash
2080 31-34 Davis Jones Hood Dorsey Sloan Ingram Bardelli Bardelli
2081 41-24 Davis Jones Hood Dorsey Sloan Ingram Bardelli Bardelli
2082 43-19 Davis Jones Hood Dorsey Sloan Gaines Bardelli Bardelli
2083 44-21 Blevins Jones Hood Dorsey Sloan Gaines Bardelli Bardelli
2084 48-17 Blevins Jones Lambert Dorsey Lambert Vázquez Beach Beach
2085 42-23 Blevins Williams Lee Dorsey Jones Williams Lee Williams
2086 54-11 Wells Williams Owen Dorsey Owen Palácios Harris Palácios
2087 46-16 Wells Edwards Owen Dorsey Owen Edwards Harris Palácios
2088 41-24 Diop Edwards Owen Dorsey Owen Edwards Gutiérrez Palácios
2089 31-34 Diop Carrillo Carrillo Dorsey Carrillo Jones Jones Jones
2090 41-27 Floyd Mokeev Carrillo Baldato Carrillo Jones Román Jones
2091 55-13 O'Brien Mokeev Carrillo Baldato Carrillo Jones Jones Jones
2092 43-25 Collins Mokeev Goode Goode Goode Mokeev Murphy Mokeev
2093 18-50 Parker Mokeev Goode Goode Goode Mokeev Murphy Mokeev
2094 26-42 Parker Mokeev Kovalchuk Goode Kovalchuk Mitchell Wylie Mitchell
2095 25-43 Parker Mokeev Kuzmenko Goode Sobolev Wylie Wylie Reid
2096 28-40 Simpson Mokeev Kuzmenko Goode Herrerov Davis Adkins Davis
2097 37-31 Simpson Mokeev Kuzmenko Goode Herrerov Espinoza Espinoza Ledezma
2098 20-48 Martinex Myers Roberts Boase Boase Espinoza Strawn McDonald
2099 21-47 Williamson Nelson Roberts Boase Boase Espinoza Strawn McDonald
2100 28-40 Williamson Nelson Malone Puddifoot Olson McImmey McImmey McDonald
2101 50-18 Williamson Wooten Cantrell Moran Cantrell Cantrell Cantrell McDonald
2102 29-39 Boyd Bancroft Peterson Bowden Lynch Jones Lee Gibson
2103 31-37 Fullerton Taylor Browning Boominov Productov Libov Lee Jones
2104 31-37 Fullerton Bancroft Cooley George López Kasiya Dixon Dixon
2105 26-42 Fullerton Mirzabekov Worcester Kim Clarke Brytka Bumblebee Cooper
2106 26-42 Fullerton Blanco Morgan Tennant Clayton Chin Pisa Moon
2107 47-21 Boswell Moody Small Outlaw Ward Henderson Holmes van Rijn
2108 38-30 Burnett Armstrong Hamilton Kelly Harden Hall Ledezma Cooper
2109 5-1 Huff Buchanan Hughes Harden Nomura Cox Scott Thomas
95 years 65 players 77 players 87 players 78 players 84 players 110 players 94 players 94 players
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