League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
A Bobby Arriola, Mario Amezcua, Tony Alvarenga, Bobby Aguilar, Jose Alonzo B Ricardo Burgos, Miguel Bojorguez, Armando Bermudez, Abel Brumfield, Laurits Berg
C Jon Coburn, Oscar Castillo, Alvaro Cervantes, Esteban Chacon, Hjalmar Colding D Rodrigo Duran, Omar Diaz, Paige Dennis, Bruce Drew, Benjamin Daly
E Ricky Escareno, Alex Espinoza, Ricky Esparza, Cesar Espinoza, Hans Engel F Roberto Figueroa, Chris Fortis, Dana Fillingim, Mike Franks, Jose Fuentes
G Ivan Garcia, Heriberto Gutierrez, John Guardiola, Ricky Gomez, Willis Gomez H Lorenzo Herrera, Brad Hoang, Rafael Horna, Joe Higgs, Waite Hoyt
I Antonio Ibarra, Estanis Islas, Manny Izquierdo, Hector Ibarra, Oscar Iglesias J Ruben Jaramillo, Hector Jimenez, Mitch Jacoby, Matthew Jackson, Jose Jacquez
K Jake King, Lee Keller, Glenn Killinger, Ichabod King, Jerry King L Marius Larsen, Jesus Lopez, Ricky Lebron, Bill Lewis, George Lopez
M Miguel Montes, Jose Munoz, Nelson Martinez, Ozzie Maldonado, Sal Monico N Roger Navarrete, Iker Narvaez, Jordan Newton, Jose Nunez, Red Norris
O Armando Ojeda, R. Owen, Bruce Ogrodowski, Jose Ortiz, Mel Orozco P Danny Perez, Dave Platas, Wes Payne, Issam Peyefitte, Johnny Pasek
Q Dave Quintero, Geofredo Quesada, Esteban Quiroz, Juan Quintanilla, Edgar Quijada R Mike Ramirez, Frank Ramos, Angelo Rivera, Miguel Rojas, Marty Rubottom
S Willie Suarez, Enrique Saavedra, Carlos Salazar, David Serrano, George Smith T Eddie Tripoli, Jose Tellez, Manny Torres, Gabriel Tabares, Danny Torres
U George Urrutia V Raul Vargas, Orlando Valentin, Lincoln Van Slyke, Jose Viera, Esteban Vega
W Del Washington, Justin Walsh, Irvin Williams, Nolan Washington, Wiki Ware X Chau Xuan
Y Al Yepez, Elliott Yost, Ryuga Yamaguchi Z Tony Zapata, Minnie Zboral, Saul Zacarias, Bobby Zielinski, Kevin Zimmer
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