League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
AuPo | BRBB | ChPi | ChHo | ChLo | GrGe | JaCh | JaLo | KnPi | LeTr | MaHa | MeRe | MoTo | MoLi | OCC | PeAt | ROC | SRT | TB | TuOi
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
1927 44-76
1928 54-66
1929 54-66 Dhembi Leslie Karpowich Sweetapple Karpowich Karpowich Karpowich
1930 59-61 Chaney Leslie Newton Allen Karpowich Karpowich Minchew Aristondo
1931 59-61 Chaney Hoag Cooper Cooper Aristondo Karpowich Minchew Aristondo
1932 73-47 Phelps Hoag Schooley Cooper Cooper Karpowich Petzoldt Petzoldt
1933 80-40 Phelps Hoag Frey Maddock Myers Karpowich Alicea Alicea
1934 63-57 Edge Barnes Mathis Maddock Schneider Karpowich Wheeler Hayes
1935 62-58 Hill Collins Maddock Bollinger Winslow Humphrey Kedziora Kedziora
1936 57-63 Hill Collins Maddock Bowman Trivett Humphrey Guerra Hafey
1937 61-59 Hill Collins Allaire Maddock Trivett Rikard Guerra Humphrey
1938 60-60 Parsons Sanders Hassler Hassler Scharein Asbell Pittman Trewyn
1939 51-69 Rowe Smith Antonelli Rigby Debnar Cason Chipple Staller
13 years 14 players 13 players 27 players 19 players 25 players 16 players 22 players 20 players
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