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2022 Changes

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 6:07 pm
by alexsheft
Leadership changes:

As you all know by now, Aaron has stepped down as commissioner of the CLUB. While his original plan was to shut down the league as well, several members of the league have stepped up to help keep the league going. Effective after the playoffs, the new leadership hierarchy will be as follows:

Alex (Angels)—Commissioner
Yado (Tigers)—Co-commissioner
Kyle (Braves)—Assistant to the commissioner and co-commissioner
Gary (Cubs) and Jake (Rangers)—Leadership committee members
Brady (Rays)—Recruiter

Aaron will remain on Slack to help as necessary as well. This is my first time commishing a league, so please bear with me as I learn the ropes and how to run a league like this. Please don't hesitate to contact me or any of the above members if you have any questions or concerns. The CLUB is a great league, and I'm so glad that we can keep it going!

Rule changes:

Based on the results of the polls as well as our experiences last year, a few rule changes will be implemented.

Trades: No trades will be processed between the trade deadline and the day free agents file.

IAFA—Soft cap of $5 million

Competitive balance picks: Teams will be ranked 1-30 according to league and finish (e.g. 1st: Top CLB team, 2nd: 2nd CLB team… 30th: 10th FED team. Promoted/relegated teams will be ranked within their new league, as they are for the amateur draft. Teams will also be ranked 1-30 according to budget. Budget ties will be broken by revenue, and standings ties will be broken by head-to-head record. These numbers will be totaled, and highest 1-5 teams will receive a competitive balance pick after the supplemental first round and before the second round. The highest 6-10 teams will receive a competitive balance pick after the supplemental second round and before the third round. Ties will be broken by team record.