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GM Participation

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 5:03 am
by aaron
Hello fellow CLUB GMs,

It is my goal that the CLUB remains fun and positive for everyone. I do not see my main role as a rule enforcer; rather, I think my biggest job is to ensure that everyone has a great experience in this league. With that being said, I want to encourage GMs to be active in the league. Check your Slack. Participate once in a while. Export as often as possible. This helps keep the league active, dynamic, and fun for everyone.

When you aren't able to export, please utilize the "GM Away/On Vacation" forum: viewforum.php?f=16 . The least you could do is contact me on Slack that you will be away, and I will post in the forums or you. I know life gets busy sometimes. There are no requirements to respond in Slack or export in this league. Perfection is never expected. However, I hope that you put in some efforts to our league. This helps both you and others get the most out of it!

If I do not see an export from you in over a week, I will contact you to discuss your schedule and brainstorm if it might be best to take a break and rejoin the CLUB at a later, less busy time. No hard feelings at all. It is simply my responsibility to make this the best experience possible. Thank you!
