League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2025 53-55
2026 62-46 Ruíz Sato Gutiérrez Grimaldi Trujillo Mercier Tanaka Falck
2027 47-61 Méndez Maez Takahashi Grimaldi Zintel Jones Milbank Gooderston
2028 42-66 Mazarello Sato Zintel Liu Leonetti Arteaga Milbank Jones
2029 43-65 Mazarello Sato Takahashi Liu Zintel Rodríguez Calverley Jones
2030 41-55 Mazarello Sato Takahashi Gross Zintel Rodríguez Ganderton González
2031 31-65 Angus Wang van Loo Liu Bremini Ward Harlow Steinschneider
2032 42-66 Aoki Hancox Panzanini Ward Martin Hwang Sellers Ayers
2033 59-49 Helliwell de Ruijter Schilder Martínez Leonetti Zhang Chute Nieves
2034 53-55 Helliwell Nieves Leonetti Ward Liang Hwang Chute Zhang
2035 51-57 Nienaber Martínez Batchelor Rijo López Hwang Sosa Zhang
2036 49-59 Gerhard Borman Batchelor Rodríguez Rijo Zhang Sosa Ramos
2037 41-67 Knightley González López Schilder Wang MacSporran Kim Ramos
2038 53-55 Millberg Batchelor Martin López Liang Zhang Kim Ramos
2039 55-53 Thompstone González Batchelor van den Ouden Costello Zhang Stobart Aidan
2040 44-64 Thompstone González Schoe Harding Els Stobart Estrada Adam
2041 63-81 Morales Breakwell Schoe Harding Costello Monroe Adam Bertrand
2042 69-75 Weissensteiner Bertrand Olivarez Harding Costello Busenello Schoe Culpepper
2043 53-91 Rhoades Bowra Challen Harding Costello Petherham Leal Culpepper
2044 67-77 Thompstone Rumbold Challen Harding Costello Ilderton Voyce Culpepper
2045 54-90 Thompstone Olivarez Challen Harding Costello Rumbold Voyce Culpepper
2046 61-83 Thompstone Jiang Olivarez Pico González Busenello Patel Meaden
2047 90-54 Thompstone Jiang Orton MacKechie Son Hernández Dilley Mora
2048 81-63 Camacho Titcombe Cisterna MacKechie Son Gratton Dilley Kung
2049 73-71 Le Corre Lao Cisterna MacKechie Guillaume Rodríguez Dilley Meaden
2050 78-66 Holland Liefting Orton MacKechie Fernández Patel Patel Rodríguez
2051 79-65 Arellano Fernández Hucknall Paredes Morán Sellick Vipont Kokawa
2052 75-69 Silva Cisterna Guillaume Parra Fernández Patel Vipont Amador
2053 56-88 Skerrett Fernández Orton Parra Guillaume Mejía Lewis Ketting
2054 75-69 Witter Titcombe Faerber MacKechie Morán Ketting Kokawa Elvidge
2055 68-76 Waddingham Fernández Faerber Trease González Agar Lewis Ketting
2056 53-43 de Bie Fernández Bisdu Trease Prudom Agar Kokawa Chal
32 years 40 players 97 players 77 players 64 players 67 players 104 players 78 players 103 players
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