League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
2025 54-54
2026 44-64 Mazarello Gunner Wilkerson Flores Zintel Takahashi González Kouya
2027 27-81 Yan Sousa Leonetti Pérez Jackson Robertson González Flores
2028 25-83 Arden Gillingham Coronado Casas Bremini Sellers Hill Maeda
2029 42-66 Marrón Hughes Lee Meilaart Hughes Pollet Sosa Sellers
2030 28-68 Cheriton Palácios Lee Threlfall Liang Hwang Sosa Flores
2031 28-68 Sweet Montgomerie Stolk Rijo Miyazaki Chute Batchelor Ramos
2032 41-67 Guzmán Palácios Andretta Rodríguez Miyazaki Berrios Kim Ramos
2033 35-73 García Li Stolk Guzmán Liang MacSporran Dalling Que
2034 56-52 Cota Borman Gonçalves Guzmán Kessler Beacher Kim Que
2035 41-67 Liang Luna Gonçalves van den Ouden Challen MacSporran Costello Aidan
2036 33-75 Seitzinger Thirtle Schoe van den Ouden Challen MacSporran Hambro González
2037 32-76 Thompstone Hambro Remeeus Hutley Costello Stobart Voyce Valenzuela
2038 58-50 Morales Hambro Remeeus Pecchia Guaneri Oh Stobart Bowmer
2039 43-65 López Guillon Berryman Clymo Bryan Hernández Serna Meaden
2040 50-58 Rhoades Buss Decker Morán Challen Mortin Elgey Souza
2041 50-94 Rhoades Buss Bryan Morán González Hernández Juárez Meaden
2042 78-66 Camacho Buss Orton Morán González Patel Ilderton Meaden
2043 75-69 López Patel Orton Morán Paredes Ilderton Dilley Meaden
2044 74-70 Camacho Buss Orton Pico Gerlach Hernández Dilley Meaden
2045 78-66 Petherbridge Bowering Gerlach MacKechie Rodríguez Martínez Vipont Meaden
2046 77-67 Skerrett Cisterna Guillaume Penrose Rodríguez Rodríguez Glasson Rodríguez
2047 88-56 Arellano Titcombe Cisterna Hulbert Guillaume Fernández Vipont Rodríguez
2048 81-63 Skerrett Alonzo Mull Lewis Clapham Rodríguez Vipont Pai
2049 68-76 Allman Xian Lewis Limón González Rundle Ketting Pai
2050 81-63 Martínez Fernández Cisterna Limón González Rundle Kokawa Ketting
2051 74-70 Brun Parra Pérez Parra Lewis Densem Bernal Elvidge
2052 70-74 Brun Petch Pérez Hodgkins Widdows Densem Home Codling
2053 53-91 de Bie Barbot Prudom Walcott Maldonado Densem Densem Codling
2054 78-66 Takata Codling Bisdu Trease Prudom Lauder Bissett Chal
2055 59-85 Penaligan Kim Bisdu Bradridge Prudom Moody Ramos Chal
2056 39-57 Raw Desforges Beaman Moree Maldonado Moody Odgers Fluck
32 years 66 players 129 players 98 players 91 players 89 players 134 players 110 players 124 players
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