Juan Rojas
Hall of Fame Inductee
Juan Rojas
Oct. 30, 2010 (60 y, 0 m, 1 d)
Born In:
San Antonio, VER, PAN
Free Agent
ML Service Time:
Player Awards
Award Date Team
Pitcher of the Year 2047 (2nd) Baltimore (MLB)
2034 Iowa (PCL)
MVP / Batter of the Year 2034 (2nd) Iowa (PCL)
All-Star 2048 Texas (MLB)
2047 Baltimore (MLB)
2046 Baltimore (MLB)
2045 Baltimore (MLB)
2041 Chicago (MLB)
2037 Chicago (MLB)
2033 Tennessee (SL)
League Champ 2045 Baltimore (MLB)
Gold Glove 2033 - P Tennessee (SL)
Pitcher of the Month Jul 2047 Baltimore (MLB)
Oct 2043 Baltimore (MLB)
Oct 2042 Baltimore (MLB)
Hall of Fame Metrics
Metric Score
Black Ink21
Grey Ink110
Similar Players (SP)
Note: See Baseball Reference formula (primary position)
Leaderboard Appearances
Year GS Rank
2036 33 5
2037 33 5
2038 33 6
2039 34 3
2040 34 5
2049 33 5
Year W Rank
2042 18 2
2043 20 1
2047 16 4
Year L Rank
2036 14 8
2039 16 7
Year Win % Rank
2041 0.765 3
2042 0.720 3
2043 0.769 3
2047 0.762 3
Year HR Rank
2036 44 2
Year K Rank
2036 274 3
2037 285 1
2038 253 3
2039 262 1
2040 271 1
2041 202 10
2042 243 4
2043 236 4
2044 230 5
2045 256 2
2046 221 10
2047 240 4
2048 283 1
2049 290 2
Year WP Rank
2041 9 10
Year ERA Rank
2043 3.621 10
2044 3.456 5
2045 3.029 2
2047 3.195 2
2049 3.350 7
Year BABIP Rank
2047 0.270 4
Year WHIP Rank
2037 1.062 7
2042 1.125 7
2043 1.041 3
2044 1.182 9
2045 1.027 3
2047 1.025 1
2049 1.108 6
Year H/9 Rank
2037 6.557 3
2039 7.760 7
2040 7.081 7
2042 7.062 3
2043 6.870 4
2044 7.074 5
2045 6.685 2
2047 6.235 1
2049 7.219 4
Year SHO Rank
2037 2 1
2038 1 10
2040 1 7
2048 1 9
Year BB (Low) Rank
2043 47 8
2045 49 8
Year Hits (Low) Rank
2037 153 6
2042 136 2
2043 129 2
2044 131 1
2045 128 2
2047 121 1
Year HR (Low) Rank
2044 22 10
Year WAR Rank
2037 5.9 5
2045 5.7 4
2046 5.4 5
2047 4.2 8
2048 4.9 9
2049 6.3 2
Year W (Low) Rank
2040 7 4
Year L (Low) Rank
2042 7 5
2043 6 4
2044 8 10
2045 7 3
2047 5 3