League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
MEX | MTL | NSH | NO | OMA | PHX | POR | RCK | RMO | SAC | SA | SFB | TWC | VAL | VAN | YS9
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
1995 80-82 Hinson Larker Gates Bourbon Steel Kelly Bockus Rodrigez
1996 84-78 Hinson Manzanillo Gates Square Steel Ross Rodrigez Weaver
1997 106-56 Hinson Manzanillo Gates Square Williams Aguirre Rodrigez McNair
1998 86-76 Hinson Aguirre Gates Square Noboru Lynch Slizz McNair
1999 91-71 Hinson Harnois Gates Square Noboru Botham Slizz Oh, Jr.
2000 85-77 Stanley Adolph Gates Urban LaRouche Botham Slizz Rivero
2001 96-66 Stanley Adolph Noboru Urban LaRouche Kerber Slizz Rivero
2002 93-70 Stanley Van Winkle Gates Urban Noboru Kerber Slizz Rivero
2003 94-68 Dempsey Van Winkle Gates Urban LaRouche Vallejo Slizz Rivero
2004 97-65 Stanley Catron Noboru Urban LaRouche Rivero Washington White
2005 97-65 Dempsey Catron Noboru Urban Eoff Burns LaFrance Rivero
2006 115-47 Dempsey Vanega Urban Catron Noboru Burns Washington White
2007 90-72 Dempsey Vanega Noboru Urban Carruthers Garland Washington White
2008 103-59 Dempsey Wilkes Noboru Empire Carruthers Garland Washington Wallace
2009 101-61 Dempsey Venegas Noboru Venegas Empire Garland Grant Greene
2010 83-79 Behnke Venegas Noboru Empire Huerta Greene Washington Davis
2011 86-76 Behnke Davis Huerta Venegas Washington Garland Neal Fradesso
2012 66-96 Weiss, Jr. Davis Maselli Huerta Washington Davis Neal Franklin
2013 73-89 Bowers Shafer Urban Garnier Washington Davis Hart Franklin
2014 73-89 Dempsey Browne Maselli Garnier Kidd Franklin Morgan Hart
2015 71-91 Shafer Browne Ortega Venegas Drew Stanley Davis Franklin
2016 82-80 Sims Vázquez Marsuppini Young Allen Labrie, Jr. Sharp Pacheco
2017 98-64 Sims Vázquez Stauffer Thorne Allen Labrie, Jr. Sharp Pacheco
2018 112-50 Weiss, Jr. Vázquez Stauffer Young Allen Labrie, Jr. Sharp Pacheco
2019 86-76 Weiss, Jr. Vázquez Stauffer Young Allen Labrie, Jr. Sharp Pacheco
2020 114-48 Watts Vázquez Stauffer Eisenhower Allen Labrie, Jr. Vega Pacheco
2021 100-62 Watts Vázquez Stauffer Eisenhower Allen Labrie, Jr. Espinosa Pacheco
2022 96-66 Carmona Vázquez Stauffer Eisenhower Allen Espinosa Pacheco Vega
2023 91-71 Carmona González Slater Eisenhower Hernández Bañuelos Espinosa Pacheco
2024 91-71 Carmona González Espinosa Eisenhower Hernández Bañuelos Pierce Ireland
2025 87-75 Weiss, Jr. Ridder Slater Hughes Hernández Reyes Espinosa Bañuelos
2026 100-62 Campos Ridder Chávez Hughes Hernández Reyes Martínez Bañuelos
2027 103-59 Brewer Ridder Bermúdez Davis Chávez Bañuelos Martínez Stuart
2028 106-56 Brewer Ridder Bermúdez Chávez Aparicio Bañuelos Martínez Stuart
2029 94-68 Brewer Ridder Bermúdez Chávez Aparicio Stuart Sweetworld Stuart
2030 101-61 Brewer Ridder Chávez Ramírez Aparicio Labrie, Jr. Sweetworld Martínez
2031 102-60 Brewer Ridder Bermúdez Ramírez Chávez Joyride Sweetworld Martínez
2032 100-62 Brewer Ridder Bermúdez Everhart Pagán Pichon Sweetworld Martínez
2033 103-59 Brewer Ridder Bermúdez Moore Kouda Pichon Sweetworld Martínez
2034 91-71 Brewer Ridder Bermúdez Moore Braun Young Sweetworld Sandcastle
2035 89-73 Brewer Ridder Cruz Baca Braun Bender Sweetworld Young
2036 89-73 Brewer Ridder Kouros Baca Rodríguez Bender Sweetworld Harsnett
2037 86-76 Brewer Ridder Kouros Kharlamov Rodríguez Rectenberg Sweetworld Harsnett
2038 93-70 Robles Ridder Kouros Castillo Rodríguez Rectenberg Camacho Oh III
2039 89-73 Pérez Kouros England Castillo Rodríguez Camacho Rudge Rectenberg
2040 101-61 Pérez Kouros England Logan Rodríguez Barber Méndez Rudge
2041 97-65 Pérez Altaner England Logan Rodríguez Torres Whanon Zikomo
2042 82-80 Ruíz Altaner Alilea Martínez Rodríguez Méndez Whanon Ashford
2043 76-86 Ruíz Altaner Reyes Logan Otero L'Archibudelli Whanon Ashford
2044 65-97 Leeper Altaner Logan Godwin Turton Rudge Valverde Ashford
2045 75-87 Johnson Alilea Turton Godwin Korbel Ashford Shi White
2046 88-74 Johnson Fernández Turton Turton Korbel Rudge Ata Ashford
2047 105-57 Johnson Fernández Turton Tyler Korbel Ashford Ata Rudge
2048 107-55 Johnson Wamukota Turton Tyler Korbel Ashford Ata Rudge
2049 107-55 Johnson Wamukota Turton Tyler Korbel Ashford Ata Rudge
2050 117-45 Johnson Wamukota Turton Sandhoff Korbel Ashford Ata Rudge
2051 87-75 Johnson Griffin Geloran, Jr. Wamukota Turton Ashford Ata Rudge
2052 94-68 Hillson Wamukota Geloran, Jr. Wamukota Turton Beemeup Ata Rudge
2053 93-69 Prieto Drew Turton Wamukota Burel Chong Ata Rudge
2054 82-80 Prieto Trinidad Landgre Dan Turton Chong Ata Rudge
2055 78-84 Morgan Trinidad Landgre Lloyd Turton Ata Brisset Rudge
2056 86-76 Morgan Sousa Corney Lloyd Manuel Ata Abdul-Alim Rudge
2057 90-72 Morgan Grün Turton Lloyd Manuel Jahnke Abdul-Alim Rudge
2058 90-73 Morgan Wamukota Stauffer Lloyd Turton Ata Henderson Rudge
2059 90-72 Morgan Mamatulin Wright Lloyd Wright Shabrov Cox Rudge
2060 87-76 Morgan Grün Wright Lloyd Madrid Kino Hampton Saltik
66 years 100 players 268 players 210 players 206 players 174 players 247 players 169 players 228 players
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