a - T. Sandoval pinch hit for P. Miller in the 5th
b - D. Edwards pinch hit for R. Ruíz in the 5th
c - A. Peck pinch hit for K. Locke in the 5th
d - R. Jordan substituted for C. Paul in the 5th
e - D. Crowe substituted for A. Peck in the 5th
f - J. Adams pinch hit for S. Guerrero in the 6th
g - D. Veeck pinch hit for G. Spencer in the 6th
h - M. MacGregor pinch hit for J. Hernández in the 6th
i - D. Hurst substituted for D. Veeck in the 6th
j - N. Smith substituted for M. MacGregor in the 6th
k - G. Shepherd pinch hit for Y. Bao in the 7th
l - B. Gregory inserted as DH in the 7th
S. Guerrero
(2, 4th Inning off 1. Wheeler, 1 on, 1 out)
J. Hernández
(2, 1st Inning off J. Mayer, 0 on, 0 outs)
T. Sandoval
(1, 5th Inning off 1. Wheeler, 1 on, 0 outs)
Home Runs:
P. Miller
(1, 1st Inning off J. Mayer, 1 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
J. Hernández
G. Shepherd
P. Miller
T. Sandoval
S. Skehan
C. Paul
R. Ruíz
D. Edwards
K. Locke
S. Guerrero
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
J. Hernández
Hit by Pitch:
Y. Bao
Team LOB:
Y. Bao
G. Shepherd
Double Plays:
2 (Locke-Guerrero-Miller, Shepherd-Sandoval)
a - J. Brady substituted for J. Rosa in the 5th
b - M. Clarke substituted for C. Braun in the 5th
c - J. González substituted for D. Sergent in the 5th
d - M. Johnson pinch hit for E. Kieffer in the 5th
e - B. Miller inserted as DH in the 5th
f - I. Blackwell substituted for S. Mitchell in the 6th
g - R. Harris substituted for B. Cooper in the 6th
h - K. Miller pinch hit for S. Bailey in the 6th
i - G. Pratt pinch hit for M. Johnson in the 9th
j - B. Mitchell pinch hit for J. Brady in the 9th
k - B. McElroy pinch hit for M. Clarke in the 9th
l - S. Sutherland inserted as DH in the 9th
M. Johnson
(3, 5th Inning off T. Castro, 0 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
I. Blackwell
E. Kieffer
M. Johnson
J. Rosa
B. McElroy
B. Miller
T. Fagatti
D. Sergent
S. Bailey
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
C. Braun
J. Romero
S. Sutherland
T. Fagatti
T. Fagatti
K. Miller
Team LOB:
OF assists:
1 (Braun(Locke at 2nd base))