BNN Stats: Batting Leaders
Monday, March 24th , 2053
So, who leads the Northwest League in isolated power (ISO)?
Bob Krause, BAK, .432 Mike Cotton, EVE, .408 Ed Smith, SUP, .400 Norberto Maes, SPO, .394 Gunnar Kamp, CAR, .386
BNN Stats: Batting Leaders at First Base
Monday, March 17th , 2053
Check out who leads the Northwest League in current hitting streak (games) while playing First Base!
Jim Saunders, SF, 26 Elijah Hurlburt, SL, 24 Eric Weber, -, 23 Harith bin Hakim, -, 22 José Peña, -, 22
BNN Stats: Batting Leaders
Monday, March 10th , 2053
So, who leads the Northwest League in hits?
Shawn Smith, GLK, 95 Kelvin Markel, SKE, 93 Max Jennings, SPO, 83 Chip Harvey, ROM, 80 Phil Rose, KAN, 78