CF Juan Vincenty #30
Age: 36 | Bats: L | Throws: L | Morale: Very Good
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 0 0.0
Overall Pot. Overall Vs Left Vs Right Pot.  
Contact 40 40 40 40
Gap 45 40 45 45
Power 35 35 35 35
Eye 50 45 50 50
Avoid K's 50 50 50 50
Catcher Infield Outfield
Range: - 30 70
Errors: - 30 55
Arm: 20 55 80
Turn DP: - 20 -
Framing: 20 - -
Pitcher: - Shortstop: -
Catcher: - Left Field: 55
1st Base: - Center Field: 70
2nd Base: - Right Field: 80
3rd Base: -
Running Speed: 75
Stealing Aggressiveness: 75
Stealing Ability: 75
Baserunning Inst.: 75
Sacrifice Bunt: 45
Bunt for Hit: 30
Date Vs. Result AB R H BI HR BB K SB
He grinds it out every day, no matter the score.
Personality Class: Sparkplug
High: Loyalty, Adaptability, Work Ethic
Low: Financial Ambition, Intelligence
Born in:Turmero, ARA
Height:6' 2"
Weight:200 lbs
Local Popularity:Unknown
National Pop.:Unknown
Signed Through:-
Major Service:None, 141 Days
Service This Yr:None
40-Man Service:None, 141 Days
Pro Service:17 Years
Arbitration Eligibility:Not yet eligible
Option Years:3 option years left
Contract Extension: -
2032 Miami - FCB 27 20 63 12 1 0 0 2 3 2 0 0 17 6 4 .190 .215 .206 .422 16 13 -0.5
2038 Miami - FCB 33 48 164 35 5 5 0 15 26 14 1 1 36 10 3 .213 .278 .305 .583 59 60 -0.2
Total FCB 68 227 47 6 5 0 17 29 16 1 1 53 16 7 .207 .261 .278 .539 48 48 -0.8
2025 Johnson City - R 20 64 270 78 17 6 4 34 67 42 3 3 71 36 3 .289 .387 .441 .828 94 98 1.3
2026 Atlanta (DSL) - R 21 68 267 80 12 6 11 52 64 49 3 3 43 24 3 .300 .410 .513 .923 120 119 1.5
2026 Rome - A 21 20 83 23 2 1 1 10 17 13 1 0 17 8 2 .277 .381 .361 .743 77 86 0.0
2027 Rome - A 22 9 41 10 1 2 2 3 7 3 0 0 12 1 1 .244 .295 .512 .808 91 73 -0.1
2027 Florida - A+ 22 123 483 115 17 10 12 57 79 68 2 1 87 43 14 .238 .334 .389 .723 77 79 0.1
2027 Total - A+ 22 132 524 125 18 12 14 60 86 71 2 1 99 44 15 .239 .331 .399 .730 78 78 0.0
2028 Florida - A+ 23 4 18 6 0 0 1 4 4 2 0 0 3 2 0 .333 .400 .500 .900 119 122 0.2
2028 Mississippi - AA 23 115 451 144 27 8 8 54 78 51 4 1 94 35 9 .319 .393 .468 .860 112 116 3.2
2029 Biloxi - AA 24 87 264 70 8 3 2 22 39 32 1 2 53 51 18 .265 .344 .341 .685 76 80 0.5
2030 Biloxi - AA 25 70 232 67 6 2 4 36 56 43 0 2 37 29 4 .289 .397 .384 .781 93 101 1.4
2031 Carolina - A+ 26 85 223 71 16 6 12 44 59 42 3 1 38 19 8 .318 .431 .605 1.037 148 145 2.3
2031 Biloxi - AA 26 6 22 8 1 1 0 1 5 4 0 0 3 4 1 .364 .462 .500 .962 136 127 0.2
2032 Wichita - AAA 27 72 155 29 5 1 2 14 19 17 0 1 29 17 5 .187 .266 .271 .537 49 53 0.5
2034 Sacramento - AAA 29 93 246 65 13 5 1 18 33 35 2 3 51 25 7 .264 .357 .370 .727 115 119 3.0
2035 Rocket City - AA 30 95 314 83 9 4 12 39 56 42 6 0 73 22 4 .264 .362 .433 .795 110 112 2.7
2035 Salt Lake - AAA 30 9 33 7 1 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 6 2 2 .212 .333 .242 .576 50 59 0.0
2036 Rocket City - AA 31 129 539 121 18 7 12 53 102 63 9 3 129 56 14 .224 .314 .351 .665 80 81 3.7
2037 Rocket City - AA 32 78 274 71 8 2 4 24 47 25 4 1 62 31 7 .259 .329 .347 .676 82 82 1.1
2037 Salt Lake - AAA 32 32 124 36 7 0 3 8 22 10 2 1 30 19 4 .290 .350 .419 .770 95 96 0.6
2038 Wichita - AAA 33 14 47 13 2 1 1 6 7 8 0 1 11 7 3 .277 .375 .426 .801 102 107 -0.0
2039 Lake Erie - AA 34 24 72 19 3 1 2 5 17 15 1 0 14 5 2 .264 .398 .417 .814 108 115 0.5
2039 Toledo - AAA 34 60 186 57 7 1 5 26 27 13 1 2 31 22 7 .306 .351 .435 .787 108 110 1.7
Total IL 60 186 57 7 1 5 26 27 13 1 2 31 22 7 .306 .351 .435 .787 108 110
Total PCL 220 605 150 28 7 7 46 84 73 7 6 127 70 21 .248 .333 .352 .685 90 94
Total EL 24 72 19 3 1 2 5 17 15 1 0 14 5 2 .264 .398 .417 .814 108 115
Total SL 580 2096 564 77 27 42 229 383 260 24 9 451 228 57 .269 .355 .392 .747 93 96
Total CAR 85 223 71 16 6 12 44 59 42 3 1 38 19 8 .318 .431 .605 1.037 148 145
Total FSL 127 501 121 17 10 13 61 83 70 2 1 90 45 14 .242 .336 .393 .729 79 80
Total SAL 29 124 33 3 3 3 13 24 16 1 0 29 9 3 .266 .355 .411 .766 81 82
Total APP 64 270 78 17 6 4 34 67 42 3 3 71 36 3 .289 .387 .441 .828 94 98
Total NL 68 267 80 12 6 11 52 64 49 3 3 43 24 3 .300 .410 .513 .923 120 119
2025 Johnson City - R CF 48 47 98 6 2 104 0 1.000 412.0 2.27 +3.1 1.056
2025 Johnson City - R RF 17 17 20 3 1 23 0 1.000 148.1 1.40 +0.1 1.027
2026 Rome - A CF 20 20 41 3 0 45 1 .978 179.0 2.21 +0.9 1.021
2026 Atlanta (DSL) - R CF 8 5 13 0 0 13 0 1.000 48.0 2.44 +0.7 1.006
2026 Atlanta (DSL) - R RF 63 63 109 1 1 114 4 .965 558.2 1.77 +2.9 1.051
2027 Florida - A+ LF 2 2 4 0 0 4 0 1.000 18.0 2.00 +0.2 .983
2027 Rome - A LF 6 6 6 0 0 6 0 1.000 55.0 0.98 -0.1 .983
2027 Florida - A+ CF 58 53 117 4 1 121 0 1.000 498.2 2.18 +1.1 1.050
2027 Rome - A CF 7 3 12 1 1 13 0 1.000 32.2 3.58 +0.3 1.001
2027 Florida - A+ RF 66 65 84 3 0 87 0 1.000 582.1 1.34 +1.6 1.025
2028 Mississippi - AA CF 100 99 193 4 0 198 1 .995 866.0 2.05 +0.6 1.012
2028 Florida - A+ CF 4 4 7 1 0 8 0 1.000 35.1 2.04 +0.1 1.002
2028 Mississippi - AA RF 14 13 21 0 0 21 0 1.000 115.0 1.64 +1.1 1.092
2029 Biloxi - AA LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2029 Biloxi - AA CF 70 64 142 5 1 148 1 .993 583.1 2.27 +1.8 1.013
2029 Biloxi - AA RF 10 1 4 0 0 4 0 1.000 28.0 1.29 -0.1 .975
2030 Biloxi - AA LF 2 2 3 0 0 3 0 1.000 17.0 1.59 -0.0 .955
2030 Biloxi - AA CF 32 31 64 5 0 69 0 1.000 274.0 2.27 +1.2 1.019
2030 Biloxi - AA RF 21 21 31 4 0 35 0 1.000 184.0 1.71 +1.0 1.038
2031 Biloxi - AA LF 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 8.0 1.12 +0.1 .957
2031 Carolina - A+ LF 28 28 32 4 0 38 2 .947 228.2 1.42 -0.2 1.003
2031 Biloxi - AA CF 2 1 2 1 0 3 0 1.000 11.1 2.38 -0.1 1.008
2031 Carolina - A+ CF 17 8 26 2 0 28 0 1.000 93.0 2.71 +1.0 1.083
2031 Biloxi - AA RF 3 3 5 0 0 5 0 1.000 25.0 1.80 -0.1 .978
2031 Carolina - A+ RF 26 10 22 0 0 22 0 1.000 126.0 1.57 +0.5 1.057
2032 Wichita - AAA LF 17 15 41 0 0 41 0 1.000 111.2 3.30 +4.1 1.161
2032 Miami - MLB CF 18 17 48 2 0 50 0 1.000 159.2 2.82 +1.0 1.009
2032 Wichita - AAA CF 21 15 34 1 0 35 0 1.000 114.2 2.75 -0.5 1.011
2032 Miami - MLB RF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2032 Wichita - AAA RF 49 6 43 0 0 44 1 .977 161.1 2.40 +3.5 1.098
2034 Sacramento - AAA LF 6 1 4 0 0 4 0 1.000 15.1 2.35 +0.6 1.313
2034 Sacramento - AAA CF 46 31 78 4 0 84 2 .976 292.1 2.52 +3.3 1.051
2034 Sacramento - AAA RF 45 35 68 2 0 71 1 .986 321.0 1.96 +5.6 1.109
2035 Salt Lake - AAA LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2035 Rocket City - AA LF 4 4 7 0 0 7 0 1.000 34.0 1.85 +0.3 1.379
2035 Salt Lake - AAA CF 9 8 25 0 0 26 1 .962 75.0 3.00 +0.8 1.080
2035 Rocket City - AA CF 86 68 204 2 1 206 0 1.000 631.0 2.94 +2.9 1.029
2035 Rocket City - AA RF 7 3 6 0 0 6 0 1.000 43.0 1.26 -0.1 .978
2036 Rocket City - AA CF 129 128 367 8 3 376 1 .997 1151.1 2.93 +9.7 1.042
2037 Rocket City - AA LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2037 Salt Lake - AAA CF 29 29 89 0 0 89 0 1.000 249.2 3.21 +4.1 1.083
2037 Rocket City - AA CF 60 57 148 6 2 156 2 .987 526.2 2.63 +0.9 .989
2037 Salt Lake - AAA RF 4 2 4 0 0 4 0 1.000 23.1 1.54 -0.0 .992
2037 Rocket City - AA RF 10 2 9 0 0 9 0 1.000 36.1 2.23 -0.1 .975
2038 Wichita - AAA LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2038 Miami - MLB CF 48 48 165 1 1 167 1 .994 413.1 3.61 -0.5 1.007
2038 Wichita - AAA CF 13 12 41 1 0 45 3 .933 104.0 3.63 +0.1 .993
2039 Toledo - AAA LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2039 Lake Erie - AA LF 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 3.0 3.00 +0.1 .993
2039 Toledo - AAA CF 53 48 117 3 0 124 4 .968 408.1 2.64 +3.3 1.025
2039 Lake Erie - AA CF 19 19 34 1 0 36 1 .972 172.0 1.83 -0.6 1.015
2039 Toledo - AAA RF 10 2 7 0 0 7 0 1.000 39.2 1.59 +0.8 1.366
2039 Lake Erie - AA RF 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 10.0 0.00 0.0 .000
TOTAL LF 67 60 99 4 0 105 2 .981 490.2 1.89 +5.0 1.091
TOTAL CF 897 815 2065 61 12 2144 18 .992 7331.1 2.61 +35.2 1.028
TOTAL RF 347 244 433 13 2 452 6 .987 2402.0 1.67 +16.5 1.058
08/27/2021 Signed a minor league contract out of Venezuela with the St. Louis Cardinals organization.
01/01/2022 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 40 (60); Power: 20 (65); Eye: 20 (40).
01/01/2023 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 45 (55); Power: 20 (60); Eye: 25 (40).
01/01/2024 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 40 (45); Power: 20 (25); Eye: 30 (50).
01/01/2025 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 40 (45); Power: 20 (30); Eye: 30 (50).
03/27/2025 Promoted from international complex to Rookie League St. Louis (GCL).
10/31/2025 Was traded by the St. Louis Cardinals to the Atlanta Braves, along with SP Trevor Bauer, in exchange for SS Nicky Lopez, 3B Greg LeMonnier, SP Eric Simmons.
01/01/2026 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 45 (45); Power: 25 (30); Eye: 35 (50).
01/01/2027 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 45 (45); Power: 25 (30); Eye: 35 (50).
09/24/2027 Wins the 2027 South Atlantic League Round 2 with the Rome Braves!
01/01/2028 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 45 (45); Power: 30 (30); Eye: 45 (50).
06/02/2028 Injured (Hamstring strain), out for 2-3 weeks.
08/07/2028 Wins the SL SL Player of the Week Award.
11/20/2028 Became a minor league free agent.
01/01/2029 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 45 (45); Power: 30 (30); Eye: 45 (50).
01/21/2029 Signed a minor league contract ($350,000 bonus) with the Milwaukee Brewers organization.
11/01/2029 Signed a 1-year minor league contract extension with the Milwaukee Brewers organization.
01/01/2030 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 45 (45); Power: 30 (30); Eye: 45 (50).
04/15/2030 Injured (back spasms),day-to-day for one week.
07/08/2030 Goes 5-5 against the Jackson Generals, with 1 2B, 3 RBI and 4 R.
11/04/2030 Signed a 1-year minor league contract extension with the Milwaukee Brewers organization.
01/01/2031 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 45 (45); Power: 30 (30); Eye: 50 (50).
09/23/2031 Wins the 2031 Southern League Round 2 with the Biloxi Shuckers!
11/09/2031 Signed a 1-year minor league contract extension with the Milwaukee Brewers organization.
12/17/2031 Drafted in the rule 5 draft (Round 1 , Pick 28, 28th overall Pick) by the Miami Marlins from the Milwaukee Brewers.
01/01/2032 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 45 (45); Power: 30 (30); Eye: 50 (50).
04/30/2032 Released by the Miami organization, returned to the Milwaukee Brewers.
05/10/2032 Was traded by the Milwaukee Brewers to the Miami Marlins in exchange for $1.
05/21/2032 Signed a 1-year minor league contract extension with the Miami Marlins organization.
01/01/2033 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 45 (45); Power: 30 (30); Eye: 50 (50).
03/18/2033 Signed a 1-year minor league contract extension with the Miami Marlins organization.
03/28/2033 Released by the Miami organization.
01/01/2034 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 50 (50); Power: 30 (30); Eye: 45 (45).
04/05/2034 Signed a minor league contract with the San Francisco Giants organization.
06/22/2034 Injured (bruised foot),day-to-day for one week.
07/09/2034 Was selected to the 2034 Pacific Coast League All-Star Game.
09/02/2034 Injured (oblique strain),out for 2 weeks.
11/25/2034 Became a minor league free agent.
01/01/2035 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 45 (45); Power: 30 (30); Eye: 45 (50).
03/07/2035 Signed a minor league contract with the Los Angeles Angels organization.
05/10/2035 Hits three home runs against the Mississippi Braves, going 4-7 with 5 RBI and 4 runs scored!
06/05/2035 Injured (bruised elbow),day-to-day for 1 day.
06/17/2035 Was selected to the 2035 Southern League All-Star Game.
09/06/2035 Injured (back spasms),day-to-day for 2 days.
11/06/2035 Signed a 1-year minor league contract extension with the Los Angeles Angels organization.
01/01/2036 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 45 (45); Power: 30 (30); Eye: 45 (45).
07/21/2036 Wins the SL Player of the Week Award.
10/04/2036 Wins the 2036 SL Glove Wizard Award at CF.
11/12/2036 Signed a 1-year minor league contract extension with the Los Angeles Angels organization.
01/01/2037 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 45 (45); Power: 30 (30); Eye: 45 (45).
07/25/2037 Injured (knee contusion),day-to-day for 2 weeks.
09/20/2037 Wins the 2037 Southern League Round 2 with the Rocket City Trash Pandas!
11/07/2037 Signed a 1-year minor league contract extension with the Los Angeles Angels organization.
12/17/2037 Drafted in the rule 5 draft (Round 2 , Pick 14, 44th overall Pick) by the Miami Marlins from the Los Angeles Angels.
01/01/2038 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 45 (45); Power: 35 (35); Eye: 50 (50).
04/10/2038 Injured (strained abdominal muscle),out for 6 weeks.
07/26/2038 Released by the Miami organization, returned to the Los Angeles Angels.
07/30/2038 Released by the Los Angeles Angels.
01/01/2039 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 45 (45); Power: 35 (35); Eye: 50 (50).
05/04/2039 Signed a minor league contract with the Detroit Tigers organization.
05/21/2039 Injured (back stiffness),day-to-day for 1-2 weeks.
08/13/2039 Injured (bruised thigh),day-to-day for 5 days.
11/25/2039 Became a minor league free agent.
01/01/2040 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 40 (40); Power: 30 (30); Eye: 50 (50).
11/02/2040 Retired from professional baseball.
Saturday, March 23rd , 2024 - OOTP Baseball 25.1 Build 47