RF Julián Valentín #18
Age: 37 | Bats: R | Throws: R | Morale: Normal
OA: 48 POT: 48
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 0 0.0
Overall Pot. Overall Vs Left Vs Right Pot.  
Contact 60 62 59 60
Gap 73 76 71 73
Power 46 48 45 46
Eye 49 51 47 49
Avoid K's 49 50 48 49
Catcher Infield Outfield
Range: - 15 31
Errors: - 36 42
Arm: 4 28 61
Turn DP: - 26 -
Ability: 1 - -
Pitcher: - Shortstop: -
Catcher: - Left Field: 32
1st Base: - Center Field: -
2nd Base: - Right Field: 28
3rd Base: -
Running Speed: 56
Stealing Ability: 83
Baserunning Inst.: 99
Sacrifice Bunt: 11
Bunt for Hit: 1
Date Vs. Result AB R H BI HR BB K SB
Julián makes the most of his talent.
Personality Class: Sparkplug
High: Leader, Adaptability, Work Ethic
Born in:San Juan, SAN
Nationality:Puerto Rican
Height:6' 1"
Weight:205 lbs
Local Popularity:Very Popular
National Pop.:Very Popular
Contract:None, Free Agent
Signed Through:-
Major Service:14 Years, 35 Days
Service This Yr:None
40-Man Service:14 Years, 35 Days
Pro Service:19 Years
Arbitration Eligibility:Not eligible, free agent after contract expires!
Option Years:3 option years left
Contract Extension: -
Drafted:2065, 16th Pick in Round 1
2069 Oakland - MLBD 22 29 132 34 5 1 6 17 16 3 1 0 32 4 3 .258 .279 .447 .726 80 79 0.2
2070 Oakland - MLBD 23 146 607 202 48 15 14 55 96 39 1 2 92 20 8 .333 .373 .530 .903 123 123 3.7
2071 Oakland - MLBD 24 157 679 249 62 18 24 101 125 64 3 5 57 20 9 .367 .421 .617 1.038 155 153 6.5
2072 Oakland - MLBD 25 157 644 219 64 6 26 102 132 64 1 2 54 26 5 .340 .399 .579 .979 141 142 6.5
2073 Oakland - MLBD 26 157 642 225 58 6 29 134 119 59 1 1 53 27 7 .350 .405 .595 1.000 144 145 6.5
2074 Oakland - MLBD 27 154 630 206 51 8 20 95 105 36 0 3 49 16 7 .327 .362 .529 .890 116 116 3.4
2075 Oakland - MLBD 28 121 485 147 32 4 19 100 99 34 1 2 57 22 3 .303 .349 .503 .852 109 109 2.3
2076 Oakland - MLBD 29 68 268 101 24 3 13 45 52 30 0 1 28 11 2 .377 .438 .634 1.072 158 158 2.6
2077 Oakland - MLBD 30 40 159 57 11 4 6 30 35 14 1 1 18 4 0 .358 .411 .591 1.003 144 147 1.6
2077 Miami - MLBD 30 79 326 103 19 8 13 61 64 32 0 1 38 14 6 .316 .376 .543 .919 127 132 2.0
2077 Total - MLBD 30 119 485 160 30 12 19 91 99 46 1 2 56 18 6 .330 .388 .559 .946 132 136 3.6
2078 Miami - MLBD 31 152 555 154 38 4 19 79 80 46 1 5 56 19 7 .277 .331 .463 .794 110 110 1.5
2079 Miami - MLBD 32 160 589 183 47 8 28 94 103 67 1 2 55 15 6 .311 .381 .560 .941 147 149 4.8
2080 Miami - MLBD 33 157 626 211 57 5 17 97 104 61 4 8 53 18 8 .337 .395 .526 .920 146 149 5.4
2081 Miami - MLBD 34 156 594 154 42 4 15 75 78 54 3 4 68 23 6 .259 .322 .419 .741 98 97 1.0
2082 St. Louis - MLBD 35 100 404 121 27 2 15 64 64 31 3 3 50 10 6 .300 .351 .488 .839 124 125 2.3
2082 Los Angeles (A) - MLBD 35 47 173 55 13 0 5 17 28 12 1 0 26 8 2 .318 .366 .480 .845 128 133 1.1
2082 Total - MLBD 35 147 577 176 40 2 20 81 92 43 4 3 76 18 8 .305 .356 .485 .841 125 127 3.4
2083 Los Angeles (A) - MLBD 36 126 438 104 32 1 13 51 56 27 2 3 112 9 1 .237 .283 .404 .687 84 85 -0.2
Total MLBD 2006 7951 2525 630 97 282 1217 1356 673 24 43 898 266 86 .318 .371 .528 .898 128 128 51.2
2065 Total - 18 21 89 54 21 6 10 43 48 16 1 2 2 34 9 .607 .657 1.315 1.972 100 100 4.4
2065 GCL (WSH) - R 18 36 118 24 4 1 1 12 11 5 1 0 35 7 2 .203 .242 .280 .522 51 50 -0.2
2066 Vermont - S A 19 74 286 77 23 6 4 24 28 12 0 2 68 9 6 .269 .297 .434 .730 125 126 2.1
2067 AZL (OAK) - R 20 3 13 3 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 .231 .231 .308 .538 60 58 0.0
2067 Savannah - A 20 35 131 46 12 2 6 26 25 19 0 1 27 5 3 .351 .430 .611 1.041 213 212 2.7
2067 Brunswick - AA 20 83 324 97 10 6 5 41 44 33 1 8 87 8 8 .299 .358 .414 .772 100 97 0.6
2068 Brunswick - AA 21 50 191 63 11 3 3 40 35 27 0 3 39 6 1 .330 .407 .466 .873 123 125 1.3
2068 Las Vegas - AAA 21 104 403 96 16 8 6 33 38 24 4 2 111 20 5 .238 .286 .362 .649 78 78 0.3
2069 Brunswick - AA 22 84 331 126 21 8 10 60 70 53 1 4 36 10 4 .381 .463 .583 1.046 167 175 4.5
2069 Las Vegas - AAA 22 135 509 157 28 6 8 62 61 57 1 7 113 43 24 .308 .375 .434 .809 122 123 3.2
Total PCL 239 912 253 44 14 14 95 99 81 5 9 224 63 29 .277 .337 .402 .739 103 104
Total SALLY 35 131 46 12 2 6 26 25 19 0 1 27 5 3 .351 .430 .611 1.041 213 212
Total NYP 74 286 77 23 6 4 24 28 12 0 2 68 9 6 .269 .297 .434 .730 125 126
Total AZL 3 13 3 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 .231 .231 .308 .538 60 58
Total GCL 36 118 24 4 1 1 12 11 5 1 0 35 7 2 .203 .242 .280 .522 51 50
Total WDL 217 846 286 42 17 18 141 149 113 2 15 162 24 13 .338 .411 .492 .903 132 134
2072 Oakland - MLBD 25 16 78 32 6 1 4 12 19 5 0 0 4 3 0 .410 .446 .667 1.112 173 171 0.8
2073 Oakland - MLBD 26 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 -100 -106 -0.5
2077 Miami - MLBD 30 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 -100 -132 -0.7
2078 Miami - MLBD 31 17 71 24 8 0 4 13 13 2 0 1 7 3 0 .338 .351 .620 .971 151 155 -0.6
2079 Miami - MLBD 32 16 60 11 2 1 1 6 5 4 0 1 10 1 1 .183 .231 .300 .531 41 35 -1.7
2080 Miami - MLBD 33 3 8 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 .125 .222 .250 .472 28 28 -1.3
2082 Los Angeles (A) - MLBD 35 11 45 10 0 1 0 3 4 3 0 1 13 1 1 .222 .265 .267 .532 47 43 -0.5
2083 Los Angeles (A) - MLBD 36 7 22 4 1 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 11 1 0 .182 .182 .227 .409 11 4 -1.3
Total MLBD 72 292 82 18 3 9 37 45 15 0 3 46 10 2 .281 .313 .455 .768 97 95
2069 Oakland - MLB LF 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 1.0 9.00 +0.0 .968
2069 Oakland - MLB RF 29 29 48 2 0 52 2 .962 253.1 1.78 +2.1 1.090
2070 Oakland - MLB 2B 4 0 1 1 1 2 0 1.000 6.2 2.70 -0.5 .000
2070 Oakland - MLB LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2070 Oakland - MLB CF 5 3 14 0 0 14 0 1.000 37.1 3.38 -0.6 .973
2070 Oakland - MLB RF 135 134 280 7 2 294 7 .976 1180.2 2.19 +5.3 1.040
2071 Oakland - MLB 2B 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1.000 3.0 3.00 +0.0 1.007
2071 Oakland - MLB CF 2 0 3 0 0 3 0 1.000 9.1 2.89 -0.2 .975
2071 Oakland - MLB RF 156 156 347 12 2 363 4 .989 1374.1 2.35 +3.7 1.021
2072 Oakland - MLB 2B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2072 Oakland - MLB CF 1 1 3 0 0 3 0 1.000 8.0 3.38 -0.1 .968
2072 Oakland - MLB RF 154 153 299 11 0 316 6 .981 1359.2 2.05 +5.1 1.018
2073 Oakland - MLB RF 157 157 285 16 4 306 5 .984 1408.2 1.92 +2.9 1.042
2074 Oakland - MLB 2B 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 1.000 5.0 1.80 +0.1 1.009
2074 Oakland - MLB LF 17 17 26 1 0 27 0 1.000 147.0 1.65 -1.9 .954
2074 Oakland - MLB RF 135 135 249 9 2 262 4 .985 1180.1 1.97 +3.3 1.026
2075 Oakland - MLB 2B 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.1 0.00 0.0 .000
2075 Oakland - MLB LF 37 37 74 0 0 74 0 1.000 321.2 2.07 +0.5 .995
2075 Oakland - MLB CF 1 1 2 0 0 2 0 1.000 9.2 1.86 -0.2 .968
2075 Oakland - MLB RF 78 77 160 7 1 170 3 .982 679.1 2.21 +0.7 1.028
2076 Oakland - MLB RF 68 68 147 5 2 154 2 .987 599.0 2.28 -1.0 .963
2077 Oakland - MLB LF 39 39 64 1 1 65 0 1.000 329.2 1.77 -1.0 1.017
2077 Miami - MLB LF 73 72 111 6 1 118 1 .992 639.2 1.65 -2.6 .962
2077 Oakland - MLB RF 1 1 2 0 0 2 0 1.000 9.0 2.00 +0.1 .968
2077 Miami - MLB RF 6 5 11 0 0 11 0 1.000 47.0 2.11 -1.1 .968
2078 Miami - MLB LF 15 12 14 0 0 14 0 1.000 113.0 1.12 -0.4 .962
2078 Miami - MLB RF 38 37 41 1 0 43 1 .977 314.2 1.20 -1.3 .996
2079 Miami - MLB LF 3 1 3 0 0 3 0 1.000 12.0 2.25 +0.1 .956
2079 Miami - MLB RF 58 58 84 4 1 89 1 .989 497.2 1.59 -0.6 .981
2080 Miami - MLB LF 8 8 9 0 0 9 0 1.000 68.0 1.19 +0.1 .957
2080 Miami - MLB RF 51 50 77 3 1 81 1 .988 436.0 1.65 +0.4 1.007
2081 Miami - MLB LF 8 4 8 0 0 8 0 1.000 54.2 1.32 +0.2 .960
2081 Miami - MLB RF 67 66 92 3 1 96 1 .990 543.0 1.57 -0.3 .977
2082 St. Louis - MLB LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
2082 Los Angeles (A) - MLB LF 16 14 15 1 0 16 0 1.000 119.0 1.21 -0.7 .902
2082 St. Louis - MLB RF 99 98 159 5 1 167 3 .982 853.1 1.73 -3.7 .963
2082 Los Angeles (A) - MLB RF 32 31 34 1 0 37 2 .946 270.1 1.17 -0.7 .992
2083 Los Angeles (A) - MLB LF 7 4 5 0 0 5 0 1.000 44.0 1.02 +0.0 .957
2083 Los Angeles (A) - MLB RF 105 104 132 7 0 143 4 .972 906.1 1.38 -5.7 .952
TOTAL 2B 10 0 1 3 1 4 0 1.000 15.0 2.40 -0.4 1.008
TOTAL LF 224 208 330 9 2 340 1 .997 1849.2 1.65 -5.8 .975
TOTAL CF 9 5 22 0 0 22 0 1.000 64.1 3.08 -1.0 .972
TOTAL RF 1369 1359 2447 93 17 2586 46 .982 11912.2 1.92 +9.2 1.010
06/15/2048 Signed a minor league contract out of Dominican Republic with the Colorado Rockies organization.
01/01/2049 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 35 (74); Power: 4 (24); Eye: 11 (58).
01/01/2050 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 42 (62); Power: 5 (20); Eye: 13 (47).
01/01/2051 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 44 (68); Power: 5 (20); Eye: 19 (47).
01/01/2052 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 47 (67); Power: 9 (20); Eye: 24 (47).
01/01/2053 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 54 (63); Power: 10 (11); Eye: 34 (37).
01/01/2054 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 61 (63); Power: 12 (12); Eye: 36 (37).
01/01/2055 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 61 (63); Power: 12 (12); Eye: 36 (37).
01/01/2056 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 61 (63); Power: 12 (12); Eye: 36 (37).
01/01/2057 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 61 (62); Power: 12 (12); Eye: 35 (38).
07/10/2057 Injured (Sprained knee), day-to-day for 6 days.
07/16/2057 Wins the NWL NWL Player of the Week Award.
01/01/2058 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 60 (61); Power: 12 (12); Eye: 37 (38).
01/01/2059 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 65 (69); Power: 12 (12); Eye: 37 (38).
01/01/2060 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 64 (67); Power: 12 (12); Eye: 38 (38).
09/03/2060 Wins the 2060 Northwest League Round 1 with the Tri-City Dust Devils!
01/01/2061 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 64 (64); Power: 11 (11); Eye: 40 (41).
01/01/2062 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 61 (62); Power: 12 (12); Eye: 38 (43).
11/27/2062 Became a minor league free agent.
01/01/2063 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 55 (59); Power: 12 (12); Eye: 38 (45).
01/01/2064 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 54 (56); Power: 12 (12); Eye: 38 (49).
06/01/2065 Drafted in the 2065 first-year player draft (Round 1, Pick 16, 16th overall pick) by the Washington Nationals, out of high school (Southwestern; Baltimore, MD).
07/08/2065 Injured (Sprained wrist), day-to-day for 4 weeks.
01/01/2066 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 50 (100); Power: 13 (82); Eye: 26 (65).
04/04/2066 Named the #48 prospect in the MLBD
01/01/2067 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 64 (100); Power: 29 (82); Eye: 39 (65).
04/04/2067 Named the #33 prospect in the MLBD
05/23/2067 Was traded by the Washington Nationals to the Oakland Athletics in exchange for 3B Luis Antonio Fabián.
01/01/2068 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 83 (100); Power: 40 (82); Eye: 52 (65).
04/02/2068 Named the #24 prospect in the MLBD
06/28/2068 Injured (Latissimus dorsi (back) strain), out for 5 days.
07/16/2068 Injured (Strained shoulder), out for 5 weeks.
01/01/2069 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 92 (100); Power: 51 (82); Eye: 65 (65).
01/29/2069 Injured (Knee inflammation), day-to-day for one week.
04/01/2069 Named the #22 prospect in the MLBD
04/30/2069 Goes 0-3 against the El Paso Chihuahuas, ending his hitting streak at 20 games.
11/18/2069 Hits for the CYCLE, going 4-5 against the Guantanamo Indios, with 4 RBI and 2 runs scored.
11/28/2069 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $507,500 through automatic renewal.
12/26/2069 Was selected to the 2069 Winter Developmental League All-Star Game.
01/01/2070 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 100 (100); Power: 58 (82); Eye: 65 (65).
03/07/2070 Injured (Groin soreness), day-to-day for 2 days.
04/07/2070 Goes 5-5 against the Kansas City Royals, with 2 2B, 0 RBI and 2 R.
11/20/2070 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $507,500 through automatic renewal.
01/01/2071 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 100 (100); Power: 70 (82); Eye: 65 (65).
05/08/2071 Goes 5-6 against the Kansas City Royals, with 1 2B, 4 RBI and 1 R.
05/11/2071 Wins the MLBD AL Player of the Week Award.
06/25/2071 Goes 0-4 against the Chicago (A) White Sox, ending his hitting streak at 25 games.
07/08/2071 Injured (Tender elbow), day-to-day for 1-2 weeks.
07/15/2071 Was selected to the 2071 Major League Baseball Dreams All-Star Game.
08/11/2071 Goes 5-5 against the Baltimore Orioles, with 1 2B, 1 HR, 2 RBI and 1 R.
11/13/2071 Wins the 2071 MLBD AL Platinum Stick Award at RF.
11/25/2071 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $507,500 through automatic renewal.
01/01/2072 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 100 (100); Power: 82 (82); Eye: 65 (65).
05/04/2072 Injured (Knee inflammation), day-to-day for one week.
07/03/2072 Injured (Hand soreness), day-to-day for one week.
10/16/2072 Wins the 2072 MLBD AL Divisional Series MVP Award.
11/23/2072 Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $6,250,000 through arbitration.
11/29/2072 Signed a 5-year contract extension worth a total of $51,200,000 with the Oakland Athletics organization.
01/01/2073 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 100 (100); Power: 82 (82); Eye: 65 (65).
06/05/2073 Wins the MLBD AL Player of the Week Award.
07/01/2073 Wins the MLBD AL Batter of the Month Award.
07/19/2073 Was selected to the 2073 Major League Baseball Dreams All-Star Game.
08/29/2073 Goes 5-6 against the Los Angeles (A) Angels, with 1 2B, 1 HR, 3 RBI and 4 R.
01/01/2074 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 100 (100); Power: 83 (83); Eye: 66 (66).
04/08/2074 Injured (Knee inflammation), day-to-day for 6 days.
04/14/2074 Injured (Knee soreness), day-to-day for 5 days.
01/01/2075 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 100 (100); Power: 82 (82); Eye: 66 (66).
06/22/2075 Goes 5-5 against the New York (A) Yankees, with 1 HR, 2 RBI and 3 R.
07/17/2075 Injured (Hamstring strain), out for 3-4 weeks.
08/13/2075 Injured (Virus), day-to-day for 4 days.
09/17/2075 Injured (Torn posterior cruciate ligament (knee)), out for 10 months.
01/01/2076 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 100 (100); Power: 66 (66); Eye: 60 (60).
07/30/2076 Goes 0-4 against the Los Angeles (A) Angels, ending his hitting streak at 20 games.
01/01/2077 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 100 (100); Power: 67 (67); Eye: 56 (63).
04/28/2077 Injured (Latissimus dorsi (back) strain), out for 6 weeks.
06/27/2077 Was traded by the Oakland Athletics to the Miami Marlins in exchange for 1B Micheal Tyler, a 1st draft pick, a 3rd draft pick.
08/04/2077 Injured (Knee inflammation), day-to-day for one week.
01/01/2078 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 100 (100); Power: 65 (65); Eye: 58 (58).
10/14/2078 Wins the 2078 MLBD NL Divisional Series MVP Award.
10/26/2078 Wins the 2078 MLBD NL League Championship Series MVP Award.
11/22/2078 Signed a 5-year contract extension worth a total of $82,000,000 with the Miami Marlins organization.
01/01/2079 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 100 (100); Power: 65 (65); Eye: 59 (59).
08/20/2079 Scores his 1000th career Major League Baseball Dreams run!
08/21/2079 Wins the MLBD NL Player of the Week Award.
11/01/2079 Wins the 2079 MLBD NL Platinum Stick Award at DH.
01/01/2080 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 100 (100); Power: 65 (65); Eye: 60 (60).
05/27/2080 Injured (bruised thigh),day-to-day for one week.
07/10/2080 Collects his 2000th career Major League Baseball Dreams hit!
09/21/2080 Collects his 1000th career Major League Baseball Dreams RBI!
01/01/2081 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 100 (100); Power: 62 (62); Eye: 60 (60).
06/17/2081 Injured (hamstring soreness),day-to-day for one week.
12/28/2081 Was traded by the Miami Marlins to the St. Louis Cardinals, along with LF River Martínez, in exchange for $1.
01/01/2082 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 99 (99); Power: 60 (60); Eye: 61 (61).
06/22/2082 Wins the MLBD NL Player of the Week Award.
07/06/2082 Injured (knee tendinitis),day-to-day for one week.
07/12/2082 Was selected to the 2082 Major League Baseball Dreams All-Star Game.
08/02/2082 Was traded by the St. Louis Cardinals to the Los Angeles (A) Angels in exchange for SP Jonathon Barlow.
01/01/2083 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 87 (87); Power: 59 (59); Eye: 54 (54).
06/22/2083 Injured (knee inflammation),day-to-day for one week.
07/31/2083 Collects his 2500th career Major League Baseball Dreams hit!
11/25/2083 Became a free agent.
01/01/2084 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: 71 (71); Power: 50 (50); Eye: 49 (49).
Year GS Rank
2079 159 2
2080 155 5
Year PA Rank
2071 751 1
2080 700 2
Year AB Rank
2071 679 2
2080 626 3
Year H Rank
2071 249 1
2079 183 7
2080 211 2
Year TB Rank
2071 419 1
2079 330 5
2080 329 5
Year 2B Rank
2071 62 2
2079 47 5
2080 57 1
Year 3B Rank
2070 15 2
2071 18 1
Year R Rank
2071 125 5
2079 103 6
2080 104 8
Year BB Rank
2079 67 8
Year IBB Rank
2071 8 1
Year SF Rank
2078 5 8
2080 8 2
Year EBH Rank
2071 104 1
2079 83 5
2080 79 7
Year AVG Rank
2071 .367 3
2079 .311 6
2080 .337 3
Year OBP Rank
2071 .421 3
2079 .381 6
2080 .395 4
Year SLG Rank
2071 .617 6
2079 .560 7
Year RC Rank
2071 176.32 2
2079 122.99 7
2080 129.48 3
Year RC/27 Rank
2071 10.46 3
2079 7.70 7
2080 7.82 5
Year wOBA Rank
2071 .416 5
2079 .379 7
2080 .378 6
Year OPS Rank
2071 1.038 4
2079 .941 7
2080 .920 7
Year WAR Rank
2071 6.7 4
2080 5.7 6
Wednesday, February 22nd , 2023 - OOTP Baseball 23.9 Build 102