Goose Goslin
Hall of Fame Inductee
Goose Goslin
Oct. 16, 1900 (130 y, 7 m, 3 d)
Born In:
Salem, OR, USA
Free Agent
ML Service Time:
Player Awards
Hall of Fame Metrics
Metric Score
Black Ink10
Grey Ink212
Similar Players (LF)
Note: See Baseball Reference formula (primary position)
Leaderboard Appearances
Year PA Rank
1924 673 9
1927 659 6
1930 668 9
1931 675 8
1934 686 7
Year AB Rank
1923 600 5
1925 601 8
1927 581 6
1930 584 10
1931 591 10
1934 614 4
Year Hits Rank
1924 199 5
1925 201 8
1926 201 3
1927 194 5
1928 173 9
1931 194 6
1934 187 10
Year K Rank
1923 53 6
1925 50 9
Year TB Rank
1923 272 8
1924 299 4
1925 329 3
1926 308 4
1927 300 5
1928 280 6
1930 351 5
1931 328 5
1936 301 9
Year 2B Rank
1927 37 9
1928 36 10
1931 42 7
1934 38 10
Year 3B Rank
1923 18 1
1924 17 2
1925 20 1
1926 15 3
1927 15 4
1930 12 10
Year HR Rank
1924 12 6
1925 18 6
1926 17 4
1927 13 7
1928 17 3
1929 18 6
1930 37 3
1931 24 5
1932 17 10
1936 24 7
Year SB Rank
1925 27 2
1927 21 6
1928 16 8
1930 17 3
1932 12 10
1936 14 10
Year RBI Rank
1923 99 6
1924 129 1
1925 113 4
1926 108 6
1927 120 3
1928 102 7
1930 138 5
1935 109 7
1936 125 8
Year R Rank
1924 100 10
1925 116 4
1926 105 5
1931 114 8
1934 106 10
1936 122 10
Year BB Rank
1930 67 10
1931 80 8
1932 92 7
Year HBP Rank
1924 9 5
1925 6 10
1926 7 7
1927 5 9
Year SH Rank
1927 23 8
Year XBH Rank
1923 56 8
1924 59 6
1925 72 3
1926 58 9
1927 65 4
1928 63 4
1930 85 4
1931 76 5
1933 55 10
Year Avg Rank
1924 0.344 6
1926 0.354 5
1927 0.334 9
1928 0.379 1
1931 0.328 9
Year OBP Rank
1924 0.421 6
1926 0.425 4
1928 0.442 3
1931 0.412 8
1932 0.398 10
Year SLG Rank
1924 0.516 4
1925 0.547 4
1926 0.542 5
1927 0.516 4
1928 0.614 3
1930 0.601 5
1931 0.555 6
1936 0.526 8
Year ISO Rank
1923 0.153 10
1924 0.173 5
1925 0.213 2
1926 0.188 4
1927 0.182 4
1928 0.235 3
1930 0.293 5
1931 0.227 6
1936 0.212 8
Year OPS Rank
1924 0.937 4
1925 0.941 5
1926 0.967 5
1927 0.908 7
1928 1.056 3
1930 0.983 6
1931 0.967 6
1936 0.930 9
Year G Rank
1924 154 4
1927 148 8
1931 151 7
Year WAR Rank
1924 4.8 6
1925 5.0 5
1926 6.0 4
1927 4.4 8
1928 6.1 4
1931 6.5 5