Júlio Suárez
Harrisburg Senators (AA)
Júlio Suárez
May 17, 2045 (26 y, 4 m, 23 d)
Born In:
Carolina, CAR, PUR
Puerto Rican
Minor League
ML Service Time:
OSA Rating History
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Ratings Changes
GB% increased from 40% to 42%
GB% increased from 39% to 40%
Weight increased from 198 to 199
Stuff Potential increased from 8 to 9
Stuff increased from 7 to 9
Stuff vs R increased from 7 to 9
Stuff vs L increased from 7 to 9
Role changed from SP to RP
Stuff Potential decreased from 9 to 8
Stuff decreased from 9 to 7
Stuff vs R decreased from 9 to 7
Stuff vs L decreased from 9 to 7
Role changed from CL to SP
Weight increased from 197 to 198
Stuff Potential increased from 8 to 9
Stuff increased from 7 to 9
Stuff vs R increased from 7 to 9
Stuff vs L increased from 7 to 9
Role changed from SP to CL
Weight decreased from 198 to 197
Stuff Potential decreased from 9 to 8
Stuff decreased from 9 to 7
Stuff vs R decreased from 9 to 7
Stuff vs L decreased from 9 to 7
Role changed from CL to SP
Role changed from RP to CL
Stuff vs R increased from 8 to 9
Role changed from CL to RP
Stuff vs R decreased from 9 to 8
Role changed from RP to CL
Weight increased from 197 to 198
Weight increased from 196 to 197
Role changed from CL to RP
Role changed from RP to CL
Role changed from CL to RP
Weight decreased from 197 to 196
Stuff vs R increased from 8 to 9
Stuff vs R decreased from 9 to 8
Role changed from RP to CL
GB% increased from 38% to 39%
Control Potential decreased from 5 to 4
Control Potential increased from 4 to 5
Stuff vs R increased from 8 to 9
Gap Potential decreased from 4 to 3
Gap decreased from 4 to 3
Gap vs R decreased from 4 to 3
Gap vs L decreased from 4 to 3
Gap Potential increased from 3 to 4
Gap increased from 3 to 4
Gap vs R increased from 3 to 4
Gap vs L increased from 3 to 4
Movement Potential increased from 2 to 3
Movement increased from 2 to 3
Movement vs R increased from 2 to 3
Movement vs L increased from 2 to 3
GB% increased from 36% to 38%
Gap Potential decreased from 4 to 3
Gap decreased from 4 to 3
Gap vs R decreased from 4 to 3
Gap vs L decreased from 4 to 3
Stuff increased from 8 to 9
Stuff Potential increased from 7 to 9
Stuff increased from 7 to 8
Stuff vs R increased from 7 to 8
Stuff vs L increased from 7 to 9
Role changed from SP to RP
Stuff Potential decreased from 9 to 7
Stuff decreased from 9 to 7
Stuff vs R decreased from 8 to 7
Stuff vs L decreased from 9 to 7
Role changed from CL to SP
Weight decreased from 198 to 197
Curveball increased from 3 to 4
Stuff Potential increased from 7 to 9
Stuff increased from 7 to 9
Stuff vs R increased from 7 to 8
Stuff vs L increased from 7 to 9
Role changed from SP to CL
Weight decreased from 199 to 198
Weight increased from 198 to 199
Stuff Potential decreased from 9 to 7
Stuff decreased from 8 to 7
Stuff vs R decreased from 8 to 7
Stuff vs L decreased from 9 to 7
Role changed from RP to SP
Stuff decreased from 9 to 8
Movement vs L decreased from 3 to 2
Movement Potential decreased from 3 to 2
Movement decreased from 3 to 2
Movement vs R decreased from 3 to 2
GB% decreased from 38% to 36%
Weight increased from 197 to 198
Stuff Potential increased from 7 to 9
Stuff increased from 7 to 9
Stuff vs R increased from 7 to 8
Stuff vs L increased from 7 to 9
Role changed from SP to RP
Weight increased from 196 to 197
Weight increased from 195 to 196
GB% decreased from 40% to 38%
Stuff Potential decreased from 9 to 7
Stuff decreased from 9 to 7
Stuff vs R decreased from 9 to 7
Stuff vs L decreased from 9 to 7
Role changed from RP to SP
Stuff vs R increased from 8 to 9
Weight increased from 194 to 195
Weight increased from 193 to 194
Weight decreased from 194 to 193
Weight decreased from 195 to 194
Stuff Potential increased from 7 to 9
Stuff increased from 7 to 9
Stuff vs R increased from 7 to 8
Stuff vs L increased from 7 to 9
GB% decreased from 41% to 40%
Role changed from SP to RP
Fastball increased from 6 to 7
Outfield Range decreased from 3 to 2
Weight increased from 194 to 195
Weight increased from 193 to 194
GB% decreased from 42% to 41%
Control Potential decreased from 5 to 4
Control decreased from 5 to 4
Control vs R decreased from 5 to 4
Weight increased from 192 to 193
GB% increased from 40% to 42%
GB% decreased from 42% to 40%
Weight increased from 191 to 192
Speed decreased from 2 to 1
Weight decreased from 192 to 191
GB% decreased from 44% to 42%
Control Potential decreased from 6 to 5
GB% decreased from 45% to 44%
Weight decreased from 193 to 192
Control increased from 4 to 5
Control vs R increased from 4 to 5
Control Potential decreased from 7 to 6
GB% decreased from 46% to 45%
Speed increased from 1 to 2
Speed decreased from 2 to 1
Weight increased from 192 to 193
Stuff Potential decreased from 9 to 7
Stuff decreased from 9 to 7
Stuff vs R decreased from 8 to 7
Stuff vs L decreased from 9 to 7
Role changed from RP to SP
Weight increased from 191 to 192
Weight increased from 190 to 191
Stuff Potential increased from 8 to 9
Stuff increased from 8 to 9
Stuff vs L increased from 8 to 9
Control increased from 3 to 4
Control vs R increased from 3 to 4
Control vs L increased from 3 to 4
Velocity increased from 94-96 mph to 95-97 mph
Fastball Pot increased from 7 to 8
Eye increased from 1 to 2
Eye vs R increased from 1 to 2
Eye vs L increased from 1 to 2
Stuff increased from 6 to 8
Stuff vs R increased from 6 to 8
Stuff vs L increased from 6 to 8
Movement increased from 2 to 3
Movement vs R increased from 2 to 3
Movement vs L increased from 2 to 3
Velocity increased from 93-95 mph to 94-96 mph
Hold increased from 5 to 6
Fastball increased from 5 to 6
Changeup increased from 8 to 10
Contact increased from 2 to 3
Contact vs R increased from 2 to 3
Contact vs L increased from 2 to 3
Avoid Ks increased from 1 to 2
Avoid Ks vs R increased from 1 to 2
Avoid Ks vs L increased from 1 to 2
Stuff increased from 5 to 6
Stuff vs R increased from 5 to 6
Stuff vs L increased from 5 to 6
Movement increased from 1 to 2
Movement vs R increased from 1 to 2
Movement vs L increased from 1 to 2
Control increased from 2 to 3
Control vs R increased from 2 to 3
Control vs L increased from 2 to 3
GB% increased from 44% to 46%
Changeup increased from 6 to 8
Stuff increased from 4 to 5
Stuff vs R increased from 4 to 5
Stuff vs L increased from 4 to 5
Curveball increased from 2 to 3
Changeup increased from 3 to 6
Weight increased from 188 to 190
Gap increased from 3 to 4
Gap vs R increased from 3 to 4
Gap vs L increased from 3 to 4
Infield Arm increased from 8 to 9
Control increased from 1 to 2
Control vs R increased from 1 to 2
Control vs L increased from 1 to 2
Contact increased from 1 to 2
Contact vs R increased from 1 to 2
Contact vs L increased from 1 to 2
Gap increased from 2 to 3
Gap vs R increased from 2 to 3
Gap vs L increased from 2 to 3
Stuff Potential increased from 7 to 8
Stuff increased from 3 to 4
Stuff vs R increased from 3 to 4
Stuff vs L increased from 3 to 4
Changeup increased from 2 to 3
Role changed from SP to RP
Weight increased from 185 to 188
Stuff Potential increased from 6 to 7
Movement Potential increased from 1 to 3
Control Potential increased from 5 to 7
Velocity increased from 92-94 mph to 93-95 mph
Fastball increased from 4 to 5
Changeup Pot increased from 8 to 10
Changeup increased from 1 to 2
Weight increased from 179 to 185
Stuff increased from 2 to 3
Stuff vs R increased from 2 to 3
Stuff vs L increased from 2 to 3
Velocity increased from 91-93 mph to 92-94 mph
Stamina increased from 9 to 10
Fastball Pot increased from 6 to 7
Weight increased from 176 to 179
Movement Potential decreased from 3 to 1
Movement decreased from 2 to 1
Movement vs R decreased from 2 to 1
Movement vs L decreased from 2 to 1
Velocity increased from 90-92 mph to 91-93 mph
GB% decreased from 46% to 44%
Weight increased from 175 to 176
GB% decreased from 47% to 46%
Hold increased from 4 to 5
Weight increased from 174 to 175
Gap increased from 1 to 2
Gap vs R increased from 1 to 2
Gap vs L increased from 1 to 2
Velocity increased from 89-91 mph to 90-92 mph
Fastball increased from 3 to 4
Stuff Potential increased from 5 to 6
Velocity increased from 86-88 mph to 89-91 mph
Fastball Pot increased from 5 to 6
Fastball increased from 2 to 3
Curveball Pot increased from 5 to 6
Weight increased from 172 to 174