a - J. Townsend pinch hit for D. Underwood in the 8th
b - R. Cramer pinch hit for J. Solíz in the 8th
c - E. Reese substituted for R. Cramer in the 8th
d - J. Solís substituted for J. Townsend in the 8th
C. Richards
(2, 8th Inning off V. Ruíz, 0 on, 0 outs)
S. O'Reilly
(1, 8th Inning off V. Ruíz, 1 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
V. Sawyer
E. Robinson
C. Richards
S. O'Reilly
C. Washington
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
V. Sawyer
Sac Bunt:
J. Solís
Team LOB:
E. Robinson
S. O'Reilly
a - R. Torres pinch hit for D. Chalk in the 8th
b - E. Campbell pinch hit for B. Almon in the 8th
c - K. Reitz substituted for R. Torres in the 9th
d - M. Tyson substituted for E. Campbell in the 9th
e - D. Huff pinch hit for J. Cruz in the 9th
f - F. Webber substituted for D. Huff in the 10th
g - A. Hernández pinch hit for K. Reitz in the 11th
h - K. Schroeder pinch hit for M. Tyson in the 11th
i - K. Ingram substituted for A. Hernández in the 12th
j - B. MacDonald substituted for K. Schroeder in the 12th
k - G. Gross pinch hit for F. Webber in the 12th
l - J. Moore substituted for G. Gross in the 13th
m - D. Powers pinch hit for N. Nichols in the 13th
n - S. Oliver substituted for D. Powers in the 14th
o - M. Salas pinch hit for B. MacDonald in the 14th
p - E. Pennington pinch hit for T. González in the 14th
q - B. Wilson substituted for M. Salas in the 15th
r - J. Díaz substituted for E. Pennington in the 15th
s - B. van Cleave pinch hit for H. Lambert in the 15th
D. Chalk
(6, 3rd Inning off T. Meyer, 0 on, 1 out)
H. Lambert
(8, 4th Inning off T. Meyer, 0 on, 1 out)
Home Runs:
A. Russell
(2, 7th Inning off T. Meyer, 0 on, 2 outs)
B. van Cleave
(7, 15th Inning off F. Villa, 0 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
T. González
H. Lambert
B. van Cleave
A. Russell
D. Chalk
M. Salas
2-out RBI:
T. González
A. Russell
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
J. Cruz
A. Russell
Team LOB:
M. Tyson
Double Plays:
1 (Nichols-Almon)