BNN Stats: Batting Leaders
Monday, January 5th , 1953
So, who leads the Northern Pacific League in sacrifice hits?
George Barrow, DeGe, 29 Mitsuzuka Miyake, BiCh, 23 Wes Covington, ChBe, 20 Bill Denney, TuAp, 19 Hayden Barnett, YaGa, 18
BNN Stats: Size Matters
Monday, December 29th , 1952
Here is a list of the tallest players in the Northern Pacific League...
Larry Karr, SpBu, 6' 6" Stanley Miller, GBF, 6' 6" Jack Thompson, TeTw, 6' 6" Donald Johnston, CaPh, 6' 6" William Zonner, ShCa, 6' 6"
BNN Stats: Career Batting Leaders
Monday, December 22nd , 1952
So, who is the leader in the Northern Pacific League in career stolen bases?
Danny Clark, -, 276 Astyanax Hayes, -, 253 George Perrine, -, 210 Brody Long, -, 206 Dode Woodring, -, 199