P Fergie 'Fly' Jenkins #31
Age: 53 | Bats: R | Throws: R | Morale: Normal
OA: 20 POT: 20
0 0 0-0 0 0.00 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.0
Overall Pot. Overall Vs Left Vs Right Pot.
Stuff 13 13 13 13
Movement 65 65 65 65
Control 74 74 75 74
Pitch Cur. Pot.
Fastball 18 18
Slider 8 8
Curveball 8 8
Sinker 32 32
Forkball 22 22
Velocity 85-87 Mph
Stamina 80
Suggested Role Strictly BP
Type Groundball Pitcher
Hold Runners 5
Defense 48
Running Speed: 1
Stealing Ability: 3
Baserunning Inst.: 1
Sacrifice Bunt: 96
Bunt for Hit: 50
Date Vs. Result Start IP H R ER BB K Dec
Jenkins is a charismatic leader.
High: Leader
Low: Financial Ambition
Born in:Unknown
Height:6' 5"
Weight:215 lbs
Local Popularity:Very Popular
National Pop.:Very Popular
Signed Through:-
Major Service:19 Years, 157 Days
Service This Yr:None
40-Man Service:19 Years, 157 Days
Pro Service:23 Years
Arbitration Eligibility:Not eligible, free agent after contract expires!
Option Years:3 option years left
Contract Extension: -
1965 Philadelphia - XFBL 22 7 0 2 1 1 2.19 12.1 7 3 3 2 2 10 0 0 0.73 .156 3.69 0.0 162
1966 Philadelphia - XFBL 23 1 0 0 0 0 3.86 2.1 3 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 1.71 .375 1.03 0.1 93
1966 Chicago - XFBL 23 60 12 6 8 5 3.31 182.0 147 75 67 24 51 148 2 1 1.09 .234 3.54 1.5 109
1966 Total - XFBL 23 61 12 6 8 5 3.32 184.1 150 77 68 24 52 150 2 1 1.10 .236 3.51 1.6 109
1967 Chicago - XFBL 24 38 38 20 13 0 2.80 289.1 230 101 90 30 83 236 20 3 1.08 .238 3.27 4.3 121
1968 Chicago - XFBL 25 40 40 20 15 0 2.63 308.0 255 96 90 26 65 260 20 3 1.04 .254 2.62 5.9 114
1969 Chicago - XFBL 26 43 42 21 15 1 3.21 311.1 284 122 111 27 71 273 23 7 1.14 .278 2.72 8.2 112
1970 Chicago - XFBL 27 34 34 17 9 0 2.67 272.2 229 91 81 27 34 228 20 4 0.96 .266 2.87 7.4 143
1971 Chicago - XFBL 28 33 33 15 10 0 2.72 254.1 230 85 77 21 30 175 14 7 1.02 .274 2.79 6.4 132
1972 Chicago - XFBL 29 33 33 24 5 0 2.32 272.0 232 74 70 18 35 232 21 8 0.98 .282 2.33 8.4 149
1973 Chicago - XFBL 30 34 34 16 12 0 2.81 262.2 249 89 82 23 30 187 14 2 1.06 .289 2.68 6.3 120
1974 Chicago - XFBL 31 39 39 16 14 0 2.68 302.2 263 106 90 20 28 210 20 3 0.96 .266 2.15 9.3 120
1975 Chicago - XFBL 32 41 41 22 12 0 2.61 324.2 254 105 94 26 47 223 21 7 0.93 .244 2.63 7.9 129
1976 Chicago - XFBL 33 43 43 25 10 0 2.25 352.2 305 103 88 17 34 250 24 7 0.96 .276 2.06 12.2 149
1977 Chicago - XFBL 34 49 49 23 14 0 2.49 393.1 348 131 109 34 25 256 23 5 0.95 .264 2.76 9.7 141
1978 Chicago - XFBL 35 41 41 23 13 0 3.15 328.1 305 122 115 33 32 217 19 6 1.03 .273 3.23 7.3 124
1979 Chicago - XFBL 36 20 20 7 8 0 3.59 145.1 147 61 58 14 20 100 8 1 1.15 .298 3.20 3.7 114
1980 Chicago - XFBL 37 33 33 18 5 0 3.53 232.0 225 98 91 18 64 121 9 1 1.25 .276 3.55 4.0 109
1981 Milwaukee - XFBL 38 32 32 12 12 0 4.00 227.1 230 116 101 22 52 105 7 0 1.24 .273 3.88 2.6 94
1982 Milwaukee - XFBL 39 23 23 6 7 0 4.34 164.0 175 87 79 18 48 73 3 0 1.36 .279 4.35 1.6 93
1983 Milwaukee - XFBL 40 3 0 0 0 0 27.00 2.1 10 7 7 1 0 0 0 0 4.29 .562 9.77 -0.2 15
1983 San Francisco - XFBL 40 20 20 3 15 0 4.77 139.2 141 87 74 13 60 51 2 0 1.44 .266 4.29 0.4 74
1983 Total - XFBL 40 23 20 3 15 0 5.13 142.0 151 94 81 14 60 51 2 0 1.49 .275 4.38 0.3 69
1984 Philadelphia - XFBL 41 15 0 2 1 4 2.63 13.2 9 4 4 1 2 6 0 0 0.80 .195 3.18 0.2 138
Total XFBL 682 607 298 199 11 2.97 4793.0 4278 1765 1582 415 814 3363 270 65 1.06 .268 2.93 107.2 120
1962 Miami - A 19 11 8 7 2 2 0.97 65.0 34 10 7 2 19 69 5 3 0.82 .203 2.45 2.3 413
1962 Total - AAA 19 3 2 1 1 0 5.54 13.0 18 9 8 2 5 6 0 0 1.77 .327 5.43 -0.1 72
1963 Miami - A 20 20 18 12 5 0 3.41 140.0 110 66 53 3 59 135 10 2 1.21 .272 2.96 3.9 117
1963 Arkansas - AA 20 4 1 0 1 0 6.30 10.0 13 7 7 2 3 13 0 0 1.60 .393 4.40 0.0 63
1964 Arkansas - AA 21 11 9 5 5 0 3.16 57.0 40 27 20 6 34 49 4 2 1.30 .218 4.64 0.3 127
1964 Total - AA 21 21 20 10 6 0 3.11 139.0 124 61 48 5 42 149 7 2 1.19 .306 2.49 4.8 129
1964 Total - AA 21 32 29 15 11 0 3.12 196.0 164 88 68 11 76 198 11 4 1.22 .281 3.12 5.2 128
1965 Arkansas - AA 22 32 10 8 6 6 2.95 122.0 104 48 40 13 42 112 3 1 1.20 .264 3.76 1.6 136
Total IL 3 2 1 1 0 5.54 13.0 18 9 8 2 5 6 0 0 1.77 .327 5.43 72.2
Total SOL 21 20 10 6 0 3.11 139.0 124 61 48 5 42 149 7 2 1.19 .306 2.49 128.7
Total TL 47 20 13 12 6 3.19 189.0 157 82 67 21 79 174 7 3 1.25 .257 4.06 125.4
Total FSL 31 26 19 7 2 2.63 205.0 144 76 60 5 78 204 15 5 1.08 .252 2.80 151.9
1965 Philadelphia - XFBL P 7 0 0 1 0 1 0 1.000 4.0 2.25 0.0 .000
1966 Chicago - XFBL P 60 12 11 19 0 33 3 .909 60.2 4.45 0.0 .000
1966 Philadelphia - XFBL P 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 8.2 0.00 0.0 .000
1967 Chicago - XFBL P 38 38 20 49 4 71 2 .972 96.1 6.45 0.0 .000
1968 Chicago - XFBL P 40 40 14 41 5 55 0 1.000 102.2 4.82 0.0 .000
1969 Chicago - XFBL P 43 42 14 47 3 65 4 .938 103.2 5.30 0.0 .000
1970 Chicago - XFBL P 34 34 22 29 2 58 7 .879 272.2 1.68 -1.6 .864
1971 Chicago - XFBL P 33 33 22 30 1 55 3 .945 254.1 1.84 +2.0 1.032
1972 Chicago - XFBL P 33 33 17 26 1 45 2 .956 272.0 1.42 +3.1 1.016
1973 Chicago - XFBL P 34 34 19 42 3 64 3 .953 262.2 2.09 -0.4 .985
1974 Chicago - XFBL P 39 39 14 42 1 58 2 .966 302.2 1.67 +0.8 1.039
1975 Chicago - XFBL P 41 41 14 48 0 64 2 .969 324.2 1.72 +2.0 1.031
1976 Chicago - XFBL P 43 43 15 58 2 80 7 .912 352.2 1.86 +3.8 1.021
1977 Chicago - XFBL P 49 49 20 60 2 83 3 .964 393.1 1.83 +0.1 .988
1978 Chicago - XFBL P 41 41 14 47 2 65 4 .938 328.1 1.67 +0.9 1.007
1979 Chicago - XFBL P 20 20 4 36 0 40 0 1.000 145.1 2.48 -1.0 1.042
1980 Chicago - XFBL P 33 33 9 34 2 45 2 .956 232.0 1.67 -0.4 1.051
1981 Milwaukee - XFBL P 32 32 13 28 2 44 3 .932 227.1 1.62 +1.9 1.014
1982 Milwaukee - XFBL P 23 23 8 10 0 19 1 .947 164.0 0.99 -0.5 .935
1983 Milwaukee - XFBL P 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2.1 0.00 -0.2 .000
1983 San Francisco - XFBL P 20 20 10 17 1 27 0 1.000 139.2 1.74 -2.0 1.287
1984 Philadelphia - XFBL P 15 0 1 2 0 3 0 1.000 13.2 1.98 -0.5 1.039
TOTAL P 682 607 261 666 31 975 48 .951 4063.2 2.05 +7.9 1.011
05/15/1970 Signed a 5-year contract extension worth a total of $1,409,500 with the Chicago Cubs organization.
07/07/1970 Pitches a 5-hit shutout against the Montreal Expos with 6 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
07/10/1970 Was selected to the 1970 X Factor Baseball League All-Star Game.
07/12/1970 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the Philadelphia Phillies with 8 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
08/13/1970 Pitches a 9-hit shutout against the San Francisco Giants with 6 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
09/10/1970 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Montreal Expos with 13 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
11/16/1970 Finished 3rd in 1970 XFBL NL Cy Young Award voting.
01/01/1971 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 57 (57); Movement: 70 (70); Control: 84 (84).
04/13/1971 Pitches a 7-hit shutout against the St. Louis Cardinals with 4 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
06/25/1971 Pitches a 5-hit shutout against the St. Louis Cardinals with 3 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
06/30/1971 Pitches a 5-hit shutout against the New York Mets with 5 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
07/10/1971 Pitches a 2-hit shutout against the Houston Astros with 6 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
07/22/1971 Pitches a 7-hit shutout against the Montreal Expos with 3 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
08/06/1971 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the San Diego Padres with 3 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
08/12/1971 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the Atlanta Braves with 5 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
01/01/1972 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 56 (57); Movement: 73 (73); Control: 83 (84).
05/19/1972 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Philadelphia Phillies with 5 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
06/14/1972 Pitches a 2-hit shutout against the San Diego Padres with 10 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
07/09/1972 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Los Angeles Dodgers with 6 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
07/17/1972 Was selected to the 1972 X Factor Baseball League All-Star Game.
07/28/1972 Pitches a 7-hit shutout against the Montreal Expos with 10 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
08/02/1972 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the St. Louis Cardinals with 7 strikeouts and 4 BB allowed!
08/06/1972 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the Philadelphia Phillies with 9 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
09/21/1972 Pitches a 8-hit shutout against the Montreal Expos with 8 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
10/03/1972 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the St. Louis Cardinals with 17 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
10/30/1972 Finished 3rd in 1972 XFBL NL Cy Young Award voting.
01/01/1973 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 56 (56); Movement: 74 (75); Control: 86 (86).
07/21/1973 Pitches a 8-hit shutout against the San Francisco Giants with 4 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
09/05/1973 Pitches a 2-hit shutout against the Montreal Expos with 11 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
10/22/1973 Exercised his contract opt-out.
10/28/1973 Signed a 5-year contract extension worth a total of $2,350,000 with the Chicago Cubs organization.
01/01/1974 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 56 (56); Movement: 73 (73); Control: 88 (88).
07/12/1974 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Atlanta Braves with 7 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
07/28/1974 Was selected to the 1974 X Factor Baseball League All-Star Game.
08/04/1974 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the St. Louis Cardinals with 4 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
08/08/1974 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the New York Mets with 4 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
01/01/1975 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 55 (56); Movement: 66 (66); Control: 88 (88).
04/13/1975 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Montreal Expos with 6 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
05/05/1975 Collects his 2000th career X Factor Baseball League strikeout!
05/10/1975 Pitches a 5-hit shutout against the San Diego Padres with 6 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
06/01/1975 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Los Angeles Dodgers with 7 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
06/06/1975 Pitches a 2-hit shutout against the Cincinnati Reds with 6 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
07/13/1975 Was selected to the 1975 X Factor Baseball League All-Star Game.
07/14/1975 Was selected to the 1975 X Factor Baseball League All-Star Game.
08/04/1975 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Philadelphia Phillies with 6 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
09/08/1975 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Pittsburgh Pirates with 7 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
09/13/1975 Pitches a 5-hit shutout against the Philadelphia Phillies with 9 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
11/01/1975 Finished 3rd in 1975 XFBL NL Cy Young Award voting.
01/01/1976 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 55 (56); Movement: 67 (67); Control: 87 (88).
05/05/1976 Pitches a 7-hit shutout against the Los Angeles Dodgers with 7 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
05/22/1976 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Pittsburgh Pirates with 7 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
06/05/1976 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Houston Astros with 2 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
06/12/1976 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Houston Astros with 10 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
07/11/1976 Was selected to the 1976 X Factor Baseball League All-Star Game.
07/21/1976 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the San Francisco Giants with 4 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
08/05/1976 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the Montreal Expos with 5 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
08/29/1976 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the Atlanta Braves with 14 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
09/08/1976 Earns his 200th career X Factor Baseball League victory!
10/01/1976 Wins the XFBL NL Pitcher of the Month Award.
11/01/1976 Wins the 1976 XFBL NL Cy Young Award.
01/01/1977 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 55 (56); Movement: 68 (68); Control: 87 (88).
05/09/1977 Pitches a 7-hit shutout against the Houston Astros with 3 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
05/24/1977 Collects his 2500th career X Factor Baseball League strikeout!
06/10/1977 Signed a 3-year contract extension worth a total of $1,436,400 with the Chicago Cubs organization.
06/10/1977 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the San Francisco Giants with 8 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
06/13/1977 Wins the XFBL NL Player of the Week Award.
06/20/1977 Pitches a 8-hit shutout against the San Francisco Giants with 7 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
07/01/1977 Wins the XFBL NL Pitcher of the Month Award.
07/17/1977 Was selected to the 1977 X Factor Baseball League All-Star Game.
08/31/1977 Pitches a 7-hit shutout against the Los Angeles Dodgers with 6 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
09/12/1977 Pitches a 6-hit shutout against the St. Louis Cardinals with 4 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
11/05/1977 Finished 2nd in 1977 XFBL NL Cy Young Award voting.
01/01/1978 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 54 (55); Movement: 68 (69); Control: 89 (89).
05/04/1978 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Los Angeles Dodgers with 4 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
05/09/1978 Injured (Back tightness), day-to-day for 4 days.
05/19/1978 Pitches a 8-hit shutout against the St. Louis Cardinals with 7 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
07/09/1978 Was selected to the 1978 X Factor Baseball League All-Star Game.
08/05/1978 Pitches a 7-hit shutout against the Montreal Expos with 6 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
08/21/1978 Pitches a 3-hit shutout against the Houston Astros with 8 strikeouts and 1 BB allowed!
09/03/1978 Pitches a 2-hit shutout against the Houston Astros with 7 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
09/27/1978 Earns his 250th career X Factor Baseball League victory!
09/27/1978 Pitches a 4-hit shutout against the Pittsburgh Pirates with 5 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
10/01/1978 Wins the XFBL NL Pitcher of the Month Award.
11/06/1978 Finished 3rd in 1978 XFBL NL Cy Young Award voting.
01/01/1979 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 53 (55); Movement: 68 (69); Control: 90 (90).
06/10/1979 Pitches a 5-hit shutout against the Los Angeles Dodgers with 5 strikeouts and 0 BB allowed!
06/30/1979 Collects his 3000th career X Factor Baseball League strikeout!
07/04/1979 Injured (Shoulder inflammation), out for 3 months.
07/16/1979 Was selected to the 1979 X Factor Baseball League All-Star Game.
12/03/1979 Was traded by the Chicago Cubs to the Chicago White Sox, along with SS Jose Castro, in exchange for 2B Roy Smalley, 3B Randy Ready.
01/01/1980 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 50 (51); Movement: 65 (65); Control: 82 (82).
04/16/1980 Pitches a 5-hit shutout against the New York Yankees with 5 strikeouts and 2 BB allowed!
05/07/1980 Injured (Sore elbow), day-to-day for 4 days.
07/17/1980 Injured (Back tightness), day-to-day for one week.
10/04/1980 Injured (Sore back), day-to-day for one week.
10/27/1980 Declined his contract option.
11/17/1980 Rejected the Chicago White Sox qualifying offer.
11/23/1980 Became a free agent.
01/01/1981 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 46 (46); Movement: 62 (62); Control: 78 (78).
02/24/1981 Signed a 4-year contract worth a total of $800,000 with the Milwaukee Brewers organization.
09/05/1981 Injured (Sore elbow), day-to-day for one week.
01/01/1982 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 45 (45); Movement: 63 (63); Control: 77 (77).
05/31/1982 Injured (Sore back), day-to-day for one week.
08/27/1982 Injured (Elbow inflammation), out for 6 weeks.
01/01/1983 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 37 (37); Movement: 63 (63); Control: 74 (74).
05/16/1983 Was traded by the Milwaukee Brewers to the San Francisco Giants, along with RF Ellis Burks, SP Kevin Gross, SP Pete Vuckovich, in exchange for C Don Slaught, SP Tim Costello, $500,000.
10/22/1983 Executed his contract year option.
10/22/1983 Released by the San Francisco Giants.
01/01/1984 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 32 (32); Movement: 59 (59); Control: 76 (76).
03/08/1984 Signed a minor league contract with the Philadelphia Phillies organization.
08/14/1984 Was claimed off waivers by Toronto while with Philadelphia.
11/13/1984 Became a free agent.
01/01/1985 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 28 (28); Movement: 58 (58); Control: 77 (77).
11/01/1985 Retired from professional baseball.
11/30/1992 Was inducted to the Hall of Fame!
Year SH Rank
1972 21 4
1974 17 7
1975 19 5
1976 21 4
1977 24 1
1978 18 3
Year G Rank
1966 61 7
Year GS Rank
1967 38 3
1968 40 1
1969 42 1
1974 39 1
1975 41 5
1976 43 2
1977 49 1
1978 41 1
Year W Rank
1967 20 2
1968 20 3
1969 21 3
1971 15 10
1972 24 1
1975 22 3
1976 25 1
1977 23 1
1978 23 1
1980 18 7
Year L Rank
1967 13 10
1968 15 7
1969 15 10
Year Win. % Rank
1970 .654 10
1972 .828 2
1975 .647 4
1976 .714 6
1977 .622 9
1978 .639 6
1980 .783 2
Year IP Rank
1967 289.1 3
1968 308.0 2
1969 311.1 5
1974 302.2 2
1975 324.2 4
1976 352.2 2
1977 393.1 1
1978 328.1 1
Year BF Rank
1967 1193 5
1968 1254 2
1969 1312 3
1974 1186 6
1975 1251 8
1976 1366 4
1977 1529 2
1978 1297 2
Year HRA Rank
1967 30 1
1968 26 1
1969 27 2
1970 27 5
1973 23 7
1977 34 3
1978 33 5
Year BB Rank
1967 83 3
Year K Rank
1967 236 2
1968 260 2
1969 273 1
1970 228 6
1972 232 6
1973 187 7
1974 210 6
1975 223 5
1976 250 4
1977 256 4
1978 217 3
Year WP Rank
1974 10 7
1981 10 7
Year ERA Rank
1970 2.67 9
1971 2.72 9
1972 2.32 6
1975 2.61 7
1976 2.25 4
1977 2.49 5
Year BABIP Rank
1966 .236 4
1967 .238 5
Year WHIP Rank
1966 1.10 8
1967 1.08 6
1968 1.04 8
1969 1.14 9
1970 0.96 1
1971 1.02 2
1972 0.98 2
1974 0.96 3
1975 0.93 4
1976 0.96 3
1977 0.95 3
1978 1.03 5
Year K/BB Rank
1968 4.00 5
1969 3.85 1
1970 6.71 1
1971 5.83 1
1972 6.63 1
1973 6.23 1
1974 7.50 1
1975 4.74 1
1976 7.35 1
1977 10.24 1
1978 6.78 1
Year RA/9 Rank
1966 10.01 7
1967 9.86 6
1968 9.44 7
1969 10.49 10
1970 8.88 2
1971 9.38 2
1972 9.10 2
1974 8.80 3
1975 8.59 4
1976 8.80 3
1977 8.67 2
1978 9.37 5
Year HR/9 Rank
1976 0.43 3
Year H/9 Rank
1966 7.32 6
1967 7.15 6
1968 7.45 9
Year BB/9 Rank
1968 1.90 10
1969 2.05 3
1970 1.12 1
1971 1.06 1
1972 1.16 2
1973 1.03 2
1974 0.83 1
1975 1.30 1
1976 0.87 1
1977 0.57 1
1978 0.88 1
Year K/9 Rank
1966 7.32 5
1967 7.34 10
1968 7.60 5
1969 7.89 7
1970 7.53 6
1972 7.68 8
1974 6.24 10
Year QS Rank
1972 26 10
1973 26 10
1974 30 2
1975 32 3
1976 36 1
1977 36 1
1978 25 6
Year QSP Rank
1972 .788 9
1975 .780 6
1976 .837 3
Year CG Rank
1967 20 1
1968 20 3
1969 23 4
1970 20 1
1972 21 1
1973 14 10
1974 20 8
1975 21 7
1976 24 2
1977 23 1
1978 19 2
Year CGP Rank
1967 .526 3
1968 .500 4
1969 .548 5
1970 .588 1
1972 .636 2
1973 .412 10
1976 .558 5
1977 .469 10
1978 .463 5
Year SHO Rank
1967 3 6
1969 7 2
1970 4 6
1971 7 2
1972 8 1
1975 7 2
1976 7 1
1977 5 1
1978 6 2
Year GB% Rank
1971 0.56 8
1973 0.59 2
1978 0.57 8
1982 0.55 4
Year WAR Rank
1968 6.7 5
1969 9.0 4
1970 8.5 2
1971 7.1 4
1972 9.1 2
1973 7.4 7
1974 9.8 2
1975 8.4 5
1976 12.6 1
1977 10.4 1
1978 7.6 3
Thursday, February 22nd , 2024 - OOTP Baseball 24.11 Build 85