Tong-myeon Moon
Kansas City Royals (ML)
Tong-myeon Moon
Feb. 18, 2017 (35 y, 8 m, 20 d)
Born In:
Pyeongtaek, GYE, KOR
South Korean
$95M / 5 years (2052-2056)
ML Service Time:
12 years, 67 days
Player Awards
Award Date Team
All-Star 2045 Arizona (MLB)
2040 Reno (IL)
League Champ 2050 Kansas City (MLB)
2048 Arizona (MLB)
Pitcher of the Month Sep 2052 Kansas City (MLB)
Sep 2044 Arizona (MLB)
Hall of Fame Metrics
Metric Score
Black Ink0
Grey Ink42
Similar Players (SP)
Note: See Baseball Reference formula (primary position)
Leaderboard Appearances
Year GS Rank
2042 33 2
2045 33 8
Year W Rank
2044 16 10
2045 18 4
2046 16 5
2047 15 8
Year L Rank
2041 18 3
2042 18 2
2051 14 10
Year Win % Rank
2047 0.682 6
Year IP Rank
2050 212.2 10
Year BB Rank
2041 105 4
2042 111 3
2043 92 4
2050 78 7
Year WP Rank
2041 9 7
2042 8 8
Year BABIP Rank
2044 0.266 4
2050 0.265 4
Year WHIP Rank
2044 1.140 9
2045 1.183 8
Year H/9 Rank
2044 7.884 9
2050 7.279 7
Year BB/9 Rank
2045 1.707 6
Year CG Rank
2041 1 9
2043 2 7
2044 4 2
2050 4 5
2052 3 4
Year SHO Rank
2042 1 6
2043 2 2
2044 2 2
2050 1 6
2051 1 9
2052 2 2
Year BB (Low) Rank
2045 38 5
2047 53 6
Year Hits Rank
2046 212 5
Year HR (Low) Rank
2042 17 4
2043 20 8
2045 21 7
2046 21 10
Year WAR Rank
2045 5.9 10
Year W (Low) Rank
2042 8 9
2051 9 9
Year L (Low) Rank
2047 7 4