Leborio Crespo
Milwaukee Brewers (ML)
Leborio Crespo
Feb. 1, 2005 (19 y, 1 m, 27 d)
Born In:
Catia La Mar, MIR, VEN
Minor League
ML Service Time:
OSA Rating History
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Ratings Changes
Weight increased from 166 to 167
Contact Potential decreased from 45 to 40
Gap Potential decreased from 50 to 45
Avoid Ks Potential decreased from 55 to 50
Sac Bunt increased from 55 to 60
Infield Arm increased from 40 to 45
Stuff Potential increased from 55 to 60
Movement Potential increased from 30 to 40
Movement increased from 20 to 25
Movement vs R increased from 20 to 25
Movement vs L increased from 20 to 25
Control increased from 25 to 30
Control vs R increased from 25 to 30
Velocity increased from 91-93 mph to 92-94 mph
Stamina increased from 60 to 65
Splitter increased from 35 to 40
Circle Change increased from 20 to 25
Knucklecurve Pot increased from 45 to 50
Knucklecurve increased from 25 to 30
Weight decreased from 167 to 166
Avoid Ks increased from 25 to 30
Avoid Ks vs R increased from 25 to 30
Avoid Ks vs L increased from 25 to 30
Stuff Potential increased from 50 to 55
Movement Potential increased from 25 to 30
Control Potential increased from 55 to 60
Circle Change Pot increased from 60 to 65
Knucklecurve Pot increased from 40 to 45
Stuff Potential decreased from 55 to 50
Weight increased from 166 to 167
Contact Potential increased from 35 to 45
Contact increased from 20 to 30
Contact vs R increased from 20 to 30
Contact vs L increased from 20 to 30
Gap Potential increased from 40 to 50
Gap increased from 25 to 35
Gap vs R increased from 25 to 35
Gap vs L increased from 25 to 35
Power Potential increased from 20 to 25
Eye Potential decreased from 30 to 25
Avoid Ks Potential increased from 40 to 55
Avoid Ks increased from 20 to 25
Avoid Ks vs R increased from 20 to 25
Avoid Ks vs L increased from 20 to 25
Sac Bunt decreased from 65 to 55
Infield Arm decreased from 50 to 40
Stuff Potential increased from 50 to 55
Stuff increased from 30 to 35
Stuff vs R increased from 30 to 35
Stuff vs L increased from 30 to 35
Movement Potential decreased from 35 to 25
Movement decreased from 30 to 20
Movement vs R decreased from 35 to 20
Movement vs L decreased from 30 to 20
Control Potential increased from 40 to 55
Control increased from 20 to 25
Control vs R increased from 20 to 25
Control vs L increased from 20 to 25
Velocity increased from 89-91 mph to 91-93 mph
Stamina decreased from 65 to 60
Fastball Pot increased from 45 to 55
Fastball increased from 35 to 40
Knucklecurve Pot increased from 0 to 40
Knucklecurve increased from 0 to 25
Weight increased from 165 to 166
Weight decreased from 166 to 165