BSA Stat of the Day

Players with Win and Save and no Losses or Blown Saves
Player Years Team G IP W SV
Nick Kudo 2051-2052 MAU 46 87.1 4 1
Harris Gentry 2051-2051 BOS 9 8.2 3 1
Ludovic Schwartz 2051-2052 LUB 26 46.1 3 1
Dusty Harrison 2015-2015 COZ,PHX 8 8.0 2 1
Jim Rush 2039-2040 HOU 40 67.1 2 1
John Tucker 2042-2043 WAS 11 12.0 2 4
Carlos Madraso 2031-2034 VIS 15 16.0 2 2
Larry Jackson 2049-2050 FW 35 61.0 2 1
Rubén Ocampo 2038-2038 LIS 20 20.0 2 1
Noberto Barba 2051-2052 SEA 44 77.1 2 8
Joe Ritchie 2010-2010 LIS 10 9.1 1 1
Bill Long 2028-2029 LUB 9 16.0 1 1
Manuel Medrano 2015-2016 CHI 32 41.2 1 1
Tim Lyons 2026-2027 LUB 67 107.0 1 2
Jesús Sosa 2024-2025 HOU 22 19.1 1 1
Guillermo López 2034-2035 WAS 21 35.2 1 2
Mark Cottingham 2052-2052 COL 8 7.1 1 2
Dan Love 2042-2043 KCK 14 25.2 1 1
Ron Burton 2043-2047 ??,NYK 18 29.1 1 1
Rusty Vallee 2035-2038 HOU 17 31.2 1 3
Link to Today's Stat
Stat of the Day List